What times are dusk and dawn?
The times of dawn and dusk can vary depending on your location and the time of year. Dawn is the period of the morning before sunrise, while dusk is the period of the evening just after sunset. The exact times can change based on factors such as your geographical location, the time of year, and whether you are in a standard or daylight saving time zone.
If you’re interested in specific times for dawn and dusk, you can check a local weather website, a smartphone app, or an online tool that provides sunrise and sunset times for your specific location. Keep in mind that these times can also be influenced by local topography and weather conditions.
Dusk and dawn are the times of day when the sky is partially illuminated but not completely dark (dusk) or not yet fully light (dawn). These times can vary depending on your location and the time of year, as they are influenced by the position of the sun relative to the horizon. Here are approximate times for dusk and dawn under typical conditions:
- Dawn is the period of time when the sky starts to get lighter in the morning, marking the transition from night to day.
- Civil Dawn: This is the time when there is enough light for most outdoor activities to be conducted without artificial lighting. It typically occurs when the sun is about 6 degrees below the horizon.
- Nautical Dawn: This is the time when the horizon is still visible at sea, allowing for navigation using the horizon. It occurs when the sun is about 12 degrees below the horizon.
- Astronomical Dawn: This is the earliest stage of dawn when the sky is still quite dark, and many astronomical observations can begin. It occurs when the sun is about 18 degrees below the horizon.
- Dusk is the period of time when the sky gradually darkens in the evening, marking the transition from day to night.
- Civil Dusk: This is the time when there is enough light for most outdoor activities to be conducted without artificial lighting. It typically occurs when the sun is about 6 degrees below the horizon.
- Nautical Dusk: This is the time when the horizon is no longer visible at sea, marking the end of twilight for sailors. It occurs when the sun is about 12 degrees below the horizon.
- Astronomical Dusk: This is the earliest stage of dusk when the sky is still relatively light. It occurs when the sun is about 18 degrees below the horizon.
The exact times of dawn and dusk can vary depending on your geographical location, the time of year, and atmospheric conditions. To find the precise times for dawn and dusk for your specific location, you can use online tools or smartphone apps, or consult a local almanac or weather website. Keep in mind that these times are approximate and can change slightly from day to day.
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What times are dusk and dawn?
Dusk and dawn are the times of the day when the sun is near the horizon, either setting or rising. They are also known as twilight, which is the period between day and night when there is some light outside but the sun is below the horizon. There are different types of twilight, depending on how far the sun is below the horizon. These are:
1. Civil twilight:
This occurs when the sun is less than 6 degrees below the horizon. In the morning, civil twilight begins when the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon and ends at sunrise. In the evening, it begins at sunset and ends when the sun reaches 6 degrees below the horizon. Civil twilight is the brightest form of twilight, and there is enough natural sunlight to carry out most outdoor activities without artificial light. Only the brightest celestial objects can be seen by the naked eye during this time. Civil dawn is the moment when the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon in the morning, and civil dusk is the moment when the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon in the evening.
1. Nautical twilight:
This occurs when the sun is between 6 and 12 degrees below the horizon. In the morning, nautical twilight begins when the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon and ends at the start of civil twilight. In the evening, it begins at the end of civil twilight and ends when the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon. Nautical twilight is less bright than civil twilight, and artificial light is generally required for outdoor activities. Most stars can be easily seen with the naked eye, and the horizon is usually visible in clear weather conditions. Nautical dawn is the moment when the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon in the morning, and nautical dusk is the moment when the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon in the evening. The term nautical twilight comes from the time when sailors used the stars to navigate the seas.
3. Astronomical twilight:
This occurs when the sun is between 12 degrees and 18 degrees below the horizon. In the morning, astronomical twilight begins when the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon and ends at the start of nautical twilight. In the evening, it begins at the end of nautical twilight and ends when the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon. Astronomical twilight is the darkest form of twilight, and the sky is almost completely dark. Only the faintest stars and planets can be seen by the naked eye, and the horizon is usually not visible. Astronomical dawn is the moment when the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon in the morning, and astronomical dusk is the moment when the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon in the evening.
The exact times of dusk and dawn depend on the location and the day of the year. They can be calculated using the formulas for the hour angle of the sun, the declination angle of the sun, and the angle of the sun below the horizon. Alternatively, they can be found using online calculators or tables that use the latitude and longitude of the location and the time zone.
Dusk and dawn have different meanings and implications in various contexts. They are often associated with symbolism, such as beginnings and endings, hope and despair, awakening and calmness, etc. They are also important for various activities, such as photography, astronomy, hunting, aviation, and military operations. Dusk and dawn can also create spectacular colors and phenomena in the sky, such as the golden hour, the blue hour, the green flash, etc.
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What times are dusk and dawn?
It varies every day. The earliest sunrise was on June 21, and the latest sunrise was on December 21. Earliest sunset in Dec 21 and latest sunset is Jun 21.
What is the definition of dusk and dawn?
What are the definitions of dawn, dusk, and twilight? Dawn is the time of morning when the sun is 6° below the horizon. Respectively, dusk occurs when the sun is 6° below the horizon in the evening. Sunrise is the time when the first part of the sun becomes visible in the morning at a given location.
So dusk is 24 minutes after sunset, and dawn is 24 minutes before sunrise. When you see a glow,. 6 degrees is 24 minutes, considering an hour is 15 degrees of earth rotation.
Today? At my house:
The actual times vary with your location and the season. But the actual meaning of the words is fixed. There are three types of dusk and three types of dawn. Dusk, also called civil dusk,occurs after sunset when the center of the sun has reached 6° below the horizon. After that, you’ll need a flashlight or you’ll start to trip over things.
Nautical dusk occurs when the sun is 12° below the horizon. That’s the time when sailors can no longer distinguish the line of the horizon. Astronomical dusk occurs when the sun is 18° below the horizon. That’s the time when a moonless night is really dark. Good seeing for telescopes, weather permitting.
“True” night is the time between astronomical dusk and astronomical dawn. The three types of dawn are just in reverse order at those same demarcation points. Astronomical dawn is followed by nautical dawn, followed by civil dawn (which is what most people just call dawn), followed by sunrise.
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What is the difference between dawn and dusk?
Dawn refers to the gradual lifting of darkness, which occurs just before the sun comes up in the morning; the sun coming up is ‘dawn’.
- Dusk refers to the gradual falling of darkness, which occurs just after the sun goes down.
- Both are periods of ‘twilight’ (meaning ‘between the lights’ of the moon and the sun).
But ‘dawn’ is slowly getting lighter, while ‘dusk’ is slowly getting darker over time. Dawn and dusk are terms that refer to specific times of the day, and they are opposite events in the daily cycle of sunlight.
Here’s the difference between dawn and dusk:
- Dawn:
- Definition: Dawn is the period of time before sunrise when the sky starts to get light, and the sun begins to rise above the horizon.
- Characteristics: During dawn, the sky transitions from complete darkness to increasing brightness. The colors of the sky change, and you can observe the gradual illumination of the surroundings.
- Dusk:
- Definition: Dusk is the period of time after sunset when the sky gradually darkens and daylight fades away.
- Characteristics: Dusk is the opposite of dawn. It is the time when the sky transitions from daylight to darkness. You may witness a variety of colors in the sky during this period, similar to what happens during dawn but in reverse.
In summary, dawn occurs in the morning before the sun rises, marking the beginning of the day, while dusk occurs in the evening after the sun has set, marking the transition from day to night. Both are beautiful times of the day, characterized by changing colors in the sky and a shift in the amount of natural light.
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How many annual hours are dusk-to-dawn lights on? Recognizing shorter vs longer days, what are the total hours on an annual basis? Geographically, the NYC Metro area.
There are 4,380 hours in a year. On flat land, everywhere on earth, half that time is from sunrise to sunset. That is 2,190 hours that the sun is in the sky. If you are in a valley, the number will be smaller, larger if on the top of a hill or mountain.
In most of the world, there will be between 1/2 to 1 hour of dusk and dawn each, so add 550 hours and I would expect 90% of the continental US, including NYC to have about 2,740 hours of daylight, plus or minus 200 hours.
As you approach the arctic and antarctic circles the length of dusk and dawn increases, until you get 2,190 hours of daylight, 1095 hours of dusk, 1095 hours of dawn, and zero hours 0f darkness.
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What time is sunset during the day?
Well, the only correct answer is “variable”. Which day? At what location? I live right on the coast of California – watching the Sun set over the Pacific Ocean is frequent entertainment for me.
But the time the Sun sets varies by over four hours over the course of the year. But even on the same day, the Sun sets at various times depending on your location. Travel sixteen miles to the east, and it sets about a minute earlier. Travel north and it sets at a different time as well. (Portland is about 600 miles due north of San Francisco – sunset tonight is 21 minutes later in Portland than in San Francisco. Why? Because the surface of the Earth is curved.)
But the question reminded me of a comment a woman once made to me about the time we changed either to or from Daylight Savings Time. “I wish they would just set 6 PM to be at sunset and be done with it.” I didn’t try to explain why they don’t. We would all have to change our clocks every day. And it turns out to be useful to have everyone within the same time zone to have the exact same local time – and to be able to know what time of day it is at any location on Earth.
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Can the period of dawn and the period of dusk be exactly equal?
No. For them to be exactly the same, Earth’s orbit about the Sun would need to be perfectly circular and the polar axis would need to be perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, rather than the current inclined one of 23.5°.
The axial rotation of the Earth is always measured in angular velocity, as this is constant irrespective of the the observer’s position at 15° per hour. The axial tilt gives rise to dusk and dawn differing in length at different times of the year and the position we’re on, on the nodal positions of the plane of the ecliptic (either an ascending or descending node) will determine which of the two parts of the day is longer than the other.
During summer periods, the Sun is higher in the sky and reaches full sunrise quicker than the lower angled approach during winter. If the seasons are transiting from summer to winter, the longer periods will be at sunset, as the Earth will be further along it’s elliptical trajectory, thus taking longer to set than the earlier rising. This difference is miniscule, requiring far longer periods of observation that the normal daily gap between the two occurrences.
Yes, this is a very garbles answer, but I hope there is sufficient information provided to see what I’m driving at. I apologise for this, but I’m in a hurry for an appointment and I never like to be late.
If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask and I’ll endeavour to be more lucid at a later date.
In the meantime, here’s a diagram of the plane of the ecliptic from an Earth-based perspective:
regardless of when the Sun sets.
“What times are dusk and dawn?”
Dawn is the time of day when light first appears in the sky. It can also have the connotation of meaning the actual moment of sunrise, but in common usage, it means “around” that time. Early morning. Not yet light. Dusk is the same thing, only for sunset, although, weird thing, no one seems to mean *exactly* sunset when they say “dusk,” just the time around it. Late evening. Getting dark.
Dawn and dusk are basically the same as “twilight,” only they are specific to each end of the day. So even though they are mostly opposite terms for opposite ends of the day, “dawn” can also sometimes mean the moment of sunrise or the event itself. “The new day dawns.”
It’s highly variable, depending on where you are and the time of year. At the poles it’s 6 months from sunset to sunrise, and a bit less than that from dusk to dawn; that’s a lot of hours! So if you want a simple answer, you can’t be referring to natural nighttime. Maybe you mean the movie “From Dusk till Dawn”; that’s 1 hour 48 minutes.
What times are dusk and dawn?