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New content ideas for Instagram

New content ideas for Instagram

New content ideas for Instagram

Posting unique & attention-grabbing content not only engages your followers but also promotes your brand differently. Other than this, it let your followers enjoy & share your content with others as well.

No matter how many times you post, the content must be creative & unique. Give your audience the reason to be with you forever. Give them something they can’t get from anywhere else. It can be a bit hard but not impossible. Here we have compiled for you a list of new & unique content ideas for Instagram that works. 

Ideas to post on Instagram

o   Post behind the scene pictures

Posting different kinds of stuff related to your business is OK. But, if you keep posting the same sort of stuff, your audience will get bored.

The people always want to see BTS or Behind the Scene pictures of yours. It let the customers make a genuine connection with you as it humanizes your business.

In this regard, the best recommendation for you is to be natural & do not pose fake. It’s good sometimes to post pictures of your office with a messy background. It’s also OK to post photos of your employees with sleepy faces & add funny captions. It is good if you choose to post pictures from your lunchtime or party time, dancing & enjoying together.

o   Inquire something from the audience

People always love to share their opinion or feedback on certain things. It makes them feel valuable & they try to participate. It let you end up with engagement as well.

Ask the audience different sorts of questions related to your business, especially. For instance, if you sell makeup online by different brands, you can inquire your audience about their favourite makeup brand or most loved makeup product. You can ask about their shopping experience with you or any suggestions to improve your services, etc.

If you desire maximum engagement, you need to ask the simplest questions that everyone can answer. 

o   Answer FAQs in a post

Brands or businesses always have a FAQ section on their website, but people hardly notice that.

To keep your audience happy & satisfied, you need to clear the queries in their minds. In this regard, the best recommendation for you is to answer the Frequently Asked Questions in your Instagram posts.

These sorts of posts will not only satisfy your existing followers but also bring new & loyal ones. 

o   Post tutorial videos

How-to tutorials have always been proved as the best posting idea on Instagram regarding Insta engagement.

Written instructions work but not as much as the videos do. No matter in which niche you are working, you must always post video tutorials, and the audience will love them.

For instance, you are a food blogger; you can post tutorial videos on some trending & seasonal recipes and so on.

o   Make the audience feel good

The social media apps must provide quality time to the people. The users use these apps just for taking a break from their tiring & hectic routine. In this scenario, if you choose to make your audience feel good with your posts, you have a chance to make a loyal customer base with Buy Instagram Followers UK.

You can post jokes sometimes as 80% of people love humour & it makes your brand name memorable. It is usually great for engagement as it makes people laugh. They like it & tag many others in it.

Other than jokes, you can also post an inspiring quote that is worth sharing & valuable. 

o   Talk about mistakes & failures in your posts

In this fake kind of world, where everyone is trying to look so flawless & perfect, if you choose to show your mistakes, the people would love it.

The people love it when you are honest with them & choose to show your failures and mistakes along with success. However, this should not be something serious or unpleasant about the company or brand that could hurt your reputation. It’s just about the minor mistakes that have taught you the lesson or something. Posting this kind of stuff gets you the loyalty & empathy with your audience.

o   Host a contest

Hosting the contests & giveaways work amazingly on Instagram. This strategy is not only adopted by the new businesses or brands but by all. It certainly creates hype about your brand & gets you user engagement & more followers.

If you offer the prize, the people would love to participate, forgetting the bonuses and for sake of the fun. This idea always puts your products & services under the spotlight. You are meant to offer your product or service as a giveaway to make the people experience it once free & they will surely get back to you & will recommend it to others.

o   Post real testimonials

Posting testimonials on Instagram is always a great idea but, make sure what you post is real, not the fake thing.

It builds trust & appeal to people to use your products & services with the utmost peace of mind. The followers or customers always love to be highlighted, so they are encouraged this way to share their views after having a good experience.

One can easily convert your followers/fans or customers into brand ambassadors this way.

o   Post unique challenges or quizzes

One of the great ways to level up the engagement with followers is to make games to stay on top of the trend. For further expanding your reach and impressions, you can make the latest & unique challenges that bring excitement & fun altogether.

A few people consider posting games & challenges via Instagram stories but, the best way is to post on your feed. The reason is that the stories disappear, but the posts remain there forever so the maximum number of people can see & participate, IGfollowers.UK can boost full engagement.

o   Cross-post from other social accounts

Cross-posting from other social media accounts to Instagram has plenty of perks.

For instance, if you choose to post content from Youtube, Twitter, or Facebook, it will save your time & increase engagement, not only on Instagram but to other social media websites altogether.

Cross-posting may be done any way you like. You can post a screenshot or re-upload the content, etc.

o   Post influencer content

Who doesn’t know the benefits of influencer marketing in this digital era? It builds your brand identity by relying on social proof.

The first thing is to look & observe if any of your industry influencers are using your services or products. Post the pictures & videos immediately. On the other hand, if you are a startup, you can join hands with well-known industry influencers to spread the word.

When the people see that some prominent names rely on you, it builds a fantastic image of yours. The people start trusting you instantly this way so are magnetized towards using your products & services. If we say that influencer marketing is priceless these days, it would not be wrong. 

Try these different content ideas for Instagram one by one & see what works the most for your audience engagement. If you have any more unique & remarkable ideas that work for you, share that with us as well. We would love to hear.

New content ideas for Instagram

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