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Why wet signatures are still relevant in a digital age?

Why wet signatures are still relevant in a digital age?

Most of us are familiar with traditional signatures. You use it to sign personal and legal documents. It’s a sign that you have read the document and agree to its terms and conditions. Our signatures represent us and reflect our presence. People are now referring to signatures made with pen on paper as a wet signature.

In contrast, we have digital signatures which are made with a mouse or light pen. They are being accepted all over the world for legal transactions. Wet signatures have still not lost their significance. In this article, we’ll look at why wet signatures are still relevant in a digital age.  

What are Wet Signatures?

Wet signatures are made by signing them with ink using a pen. They are the traditional and common way of signing documents. Since ink is used in the signing of documents, they are called wet signatures. This is the way we have been signing documents for a long time.

Wet signatures give a touch of authenticity to the document, especially if it has been signed in the presence of witnesses and other signatories. 

Wet signatures still have a place in the digital world. This is because they are still required by Law for various documents such as employment contracts, bank loans, wills, or real estate agreements. Wet signatures also help give identity to creators. Artists still sign their work using wet signatures.

Wet signatures can be difficult to copy because of cursive writing and may be preferred to digital signatures. You can use Artlogo’s signature generator program to combine an image of your wet signature with a digital document. You can use cursive handwriting to generate your signature. Contact Artlogo to see how this can be done. 

Advantages of a wet signature over a digital one

If you’re planning to switch over permanently from using a wet signature to a digital one, don’t do so without thinking. Wet signatures have been around for a long time and are not so easy to forget. The following are some advantages of a wet signature over a digital one.

We all know that wet signatures require the physical presence of the signer. Getting the signer to sign the document in the presence of witnesses such as a Notary Public, a Court Magistrate or any other such officials will further add to the authenticity of the document. This is why many court proceedings insist on wet signatures and the physical presence of the signer. The official can countersign the document as a witness. Signing a document in this way shows that the signer is willing to take personal accountability and responsibility. They are more likely to comply with its terms and conditions. 

Much More Difficult to Forge or Replicate

When you’ve signed a physical document with a wet signature, this makes it authentic and reliable. Since you are likely using a cursive style of writing, this makes it more difficult to forge or replicate your signature. You know the distinctive elements of your own signature and are more likely to recognize if someone has forged your signature on another document. You may be making your signature at a particular angle and using your own ink, which makes it all the more difficult to copy or replicate. 

They are Instantaneous and Don’t Have Other Verification Steps

You will likely take just a fraction of a minute to sign your wet signature on a document. Once you have read and understood the terms of a transaction or legal agreement, you can signify your acceptance of these by adding your signature as a mark of consent.

In contrast, if you were using a digital signature, you would need a couple of steps to authenticate the signature. The presence of the internet, a security certificate, and encryption and decryption techniques along with public and private key infrastructure is what is needed. Using a wet signature does not require all these verification steps.

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Culturally relevant

Another reason that wet signatures are still used in many countries is that they are very much a part of the culture of these places. Whether it’s a marriage certificate or a bank loan agreement, a will or a business contract, these documents generally need to be signed in person as proof of agreement.

It may take some time before courts and government institutions readily accept digital signatures to be on par with wet signatures. Laws and computer infrastructure will have to be developed in these nations before the acceptance of digital signatures becomes more commonplace. Meanwhile, wet signatures will still be the preferred method of business.

Understanding the components of a wet signature

Signing a document with a wet signature requires a pen, paper, and the signer. To further authenticate the identity of the signer, you may include your name, designation, date, and the presence of witnesses with their signatures. A company seal or stamp may also be needed if you are signing the document as a representative of the business.

The origins of wet signatures date back to antiquity, with the Sumerians being the first to use them. Quite probably, there were some unique marks on which a seal was also affixed as proof of identity and authority. These could not be replicated easily. The present-day use of wet signatures and seals are a continuation of this practice. 


The use of wet signatures is still accepted in the majority of transactions today. We have grown accustomed to the use of wet signatures. It just requires the physical presence of the signer and his or her consent. There are no other technical or infrastructural requirements.

Though the acceptance of digital signatures is growing in technologically advanced nations, it will take some time before digital signatures replace wet signatures all over the world. 

The truth is that for wet signatures to be replaced, both the availability of technology and social acceptance are needed. Getting wet signatures from people in different countries can be a cumbersome procedure and is probably the reason that people are switching to digital signatures.