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How to Manage Sciatica Pain at Workplace?

How to Manage Sciatica Pain at Workplace? Slipped disk or herniated pain is the common cause of Sciatica pain. It occurs due to an increase

How to Manage Sciatica Pain at Workplace?

Slipped disk or herniated pain is the common cause of Sciatica pain. It occurs due to an increase of inflammation, irritation while a nerve in the lower back of the body starts compressing. Sciatica suffering has no documented medical cure; it is seen that in most  cases the condition gets better with time as there are several methods to ease off the pain and return to a lifestyle.

There can be several Sciatica pain causes depending on a person’s daily routine and habits.

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is a pain in the nerve due to an injury or irritation to the sciatic nerve. This nerve starts from the lower back (buttock area) and is the longest and thickest nerve in thehuman body. It is almost of a finger’s width and has five nerve roots of which two come from the lower back also known as the lumbar spine. The other three originate from the Sacrum which is the end section of the spine.

These five nerve roots combine together to form the right and the left sciatic nerve. One sciatic nerve runs through the hip section through the buttocks, right down the leg for both sides of the body. This nerve has its ending just below the knee. 

When experiencing knee pain, medical imaging is a valuable diagnostic tool. Common imaging techniques for knee pain include X-rays, MRI, and CT scans.

This sciatic nerve expands into other nerves that run down the legs into the foot and toes. The condition of Sciatica is mostly rare and happens due to a deep injury. In medical terms; Sciatica is a well known word used to denote any kind of severe pain especially originating in the lower back/spinal region, traveling down towards the leg.

This pain creeps up common sensations like irritation, pinching, compression and inflammation due to the injury in the lower back portion of the body.

Sufferers experience mild to severe pains at any or all parts where the sciatic nerve travels in the body. To be specific, pain can be felt through the hip region, down the buttocks ,and the legs. 

Treadmill Workout

Severe pain can lead to problems in the muscles resulting in weakness, numbness or a poking sensation in the foot and toes. What does the pain actually feel like? 

Patients have different views on what this pain feels like. . This experience can vary depending on the cause and in most cases, the pain is described as a shooting sensation or jolts of pain with a sharp pinching sensation. Some patients also bring this experience of feels of electric shock, a sense of being stabbed continuously ,or a constant burn that hurts.

The occurrence of pain can be non-stop or it may pay a visit at regular intervals. Sufferers express that pain is more felt in the leg in comparison to the lower back region. The pain increases if the person is sitting or standing in a stiff position for long hours.

It is noted that a sudden movement of the body for instance: even a sneeze or a hard cough can ratter one with killing pain.

Tips to Ease Sciatica Pain:

  • Exercise regularly: Practice proper stretching exercises that focus more on the lower back. This is possible by enrolling with a professional exercise instructor or a body pain relieving expert. A few aerobic workouts can also re adjust the back-spinal condition enabling reduction of pain.
  • Maintain good posture: Long hours of being seated in an uncomfortable arrangement is seen as one of the common sciatica pain causes. One should be constantly changing the position irrespective of sitting or standing work, it is seen that prolong hours of specially sitting position pressures the sciatica nerve.  It is important to sit upright with a straight back towards the chair. One can also try a standing work desk with an equal divide posture into standing and sitting.
  • Use heating and cooling packs: Initially to reduce the swelling apply an ice pack or a bunch of frozen hard veggies on the back. This has to be followed in regular intervals for a 20 minute session each time. After a few days, it can be a hot bag  or a heating pad for the same duration. 
  • Keep moving: This is probably the most effective way to get sciatica pain treatment, it is also a natural way to keep the pain at bay, maintaining a still posture can create several other issues and the sciatica pain is one of them. As mentioned, keep some indulge in some or the other kind of motion while at the work desk.
  • Use standing desks: One can also try the standing position for a fixed span and then choose to sit for a while at work, this helps the person to keep moving frequently and he or she can also go for a walk which is a brilliant way to keep the muscles moving, hence there will be less occurrence of the pain.
  • Avoid heavy lifting: Experts say to avoid lifting anything that is heavy, this can pressurise the nerve and create much serious damage to the already affected area. However, with time and positive effects of other easing remedies; one can gradually try lifting weights as the pain fades away.  
  • Sleep comfortably: Most have a very cramped style of sleeping and this can also contribute to the increase of the pain. One should have a comfortable posture while at sleep and occupy the entire available space rather than limiting to an unusual pose. 

So, it is because of ourself that the Sciatica nerve pain starts in most of the cases, this sciatica pain can be managed by following certain normalised practices that we have stopped or are following rarely; punishing our body.

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How to Manage Sciatica Pain at Workplace?

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