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Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Australia and Canada offer a high standard of living, diverse cultures, and stunning natural landscapes. However, the choice between the two may depend on individual preferences, such as industry specialization, lifestyle, and cultural differences. 

Here are some differences between Australia and Canada:

  • Climate
  • Australia is known for its warm climate and beautiful beaches. Canada has vibrant and cosmopolitan cities.
  • Economy
  • Australia has a growing economy. Canada has a robust social welfare system, excellent healthcare, and multicultural cities. However, some say Canada has a high cost of living, lower wages, poor healthcare, and higher taxation.
  • Lifestyle
  • Australia is known for its sunny climate, laid-back lifestyle, and unique wildlife.
  • Culture
  • Australia is a young, accessible, and multicultural society. Canada has a great outdoors culture. 

The choice between Australia and Canada may depend on individual preferences, such as industry specialization, lifestyle, and cultural differences. 

Both countries have strong economies but Canada’s high cost of living may make it less appealing to potential immigrants compared to Australia. Australia is known for its warm climate and beautiful beaches, making it an attractive choice for many. Canada, on the other hand, offers vibrant and cosmopolitan cities.

I did my masters in Australia, stayed there for five years, and lived in Canada for three years. Let me give you my perspective:
Weather-wise, Australia is better by a long shot. It’s rare to ever see snow in Australia, and even when you do, it’s generally fragile, while in Canada, half your weekend goes shoveling snow out of your personal spaces. Some people may not like too much heat, but it gets bloody hot in some places. But most major cities have mild weather, and only during the extreme peak of summer do you see temperatures like 45°; otherwise, it mostly hovers around 20–30°, and some cities like Melbourne dip even lower. So if you can make it through 1–2 months of scorching weather, the rest of the time, the temperature is pretty bearable.

Wages are better in Australia if you’re an entry-level worker. However, professional jobs are more readily available in Canada because of the size of the economy in Canada’s south. So this is entirely up to you. Australian wages are much better if you’re in a field like mining or construction or just doing basic entry-level jobs. But if you’re in fields like IT, getting a job in Australia is tough, while it’s a bit easier in Canada.

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Politically, Australia is far away from all geopolitical threats. So life is more relaxed. Meanwhile, American politics is also talked about in Canada, and rightly so, as what happens in America will affect Canada as well. So, in Canada, you constantly hear people talking about politics, which is rare in Australia.
Lifestyle-wise, Australian cities are much more suburban. You can only live in Australia with cars. Canada is more diverse in this aspect. There are cities like Vancouver, which are very walkable, while other cities like Toronto are still better than Melbourne or Sydney. You can live comfortably with a bicycle in major Canadian cities, while a car is a must-have in Australia, except if you can afford inner cities.

If you’re an immigrant looking to move, then Canada is better. Immigration processes are more accessible, waiting times are short, and getting a permanent residency is easier. Getting into Australia is easier because there are many international students/travelers/working holidays, etc. Still, permanent immigration to Australia gets very expensive very soon, and unless you’re an exceptionally highly skilled person with a relatively good amount of experience, getting a permanent residency is nearly impossible.

Diversity-wise, from personal observation, both are the same (facts might show a few percentage points of difference, but not much). Still, the vast majority of immigrants in Australia are on temporary visas.
Travel-wise, it’s entirely upon you. Both are beautiful countries with lots of attractions. Canada is gorgeous if you like greenery, mountains, and rivers. Suppose you want the open sky, flat lands, strange animals, beaches, ocean, etc. Australia is your cup of tea. Either way, you would be okay with traveling to either of them.

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Australia has beaches and sunshine, and Canada has mountains and snow.

Having lived in both countries, I am well-qualified to answer this question. Both Oz and Canada are great countries to live or permanently settle in.

The following comparison suggests one country scores higher than the other on respective parameters; however, it does not mean the country scoring lower is a “complete failure.” It just lags behind the other one.

  1. Environment

Weather: Australia +1, Canada 0

Aussie winters (except in Tasmania) are moderate, but houses are not insulated/ heated. Aussie summers can be sweltering for about a month.

Canadian winters can be brutal for about 2–3 months, with temp as low as -30 in significant cities. Summers are short-lived (2–3 months) but pleasant. Sometimes, the Winters are prolonged, and the Spring season gets skipped.

Natural beauty: Australia +1, Canada +1

Australia has the best beaches, golden sand, outbacks, cliffs, wineries, and limestone caves over a million years old.

Canada has mountains, ski resorts, lakes, glaciers, waterfalls, and fall colors.

Beaches: Australia +1, Canada 0


98% of the Australian population occupies 2% of the land, meaning the coastal/big cities have high population density while smaller towns have a space population.

Most Canadians live within a few hundred km of the US border, as northern regions are cold.

Snow: Australia +1, Canada 0 (because in Oz, if you need to see snow, you need to go to places where it snows. It does not interfere in your daily life like in Canada for 3–4 months of the year:-).

Edit: Canada is a winter wonderland for a few months, while Oz is a summer paradise.

Score: Oz (4) > Canada (1)

2. People

Diversity: Australia +1, Canada +1 (Oz: > Asians, Irish, British. & Canada> Indian-Subcontinental, Africans, Europeans)

No. of Bogans: Australia 0, Canada +1

General population’s ( High SES group) attitude towards migrants: Australia +1, Canada +1

General population’s ( low SES group) attitude towards migrants: Australia +0, Canada +1

Score: Oz (2) < Canada (4)

If you were not born and raised in either of these countries, then :

3. Migration and jobs

Ease of migration: Australia 0, Canada +1

Faster citizenship: Australia 0, Canada +1

Govt. Benefits for low-earning families: Australia +1, Canada +1

Employers’ attitude towards highly educated and skilled migrant workers with local experience and references: Australia +1, Canada +1

Employers’ attitude towards highly educated and skilled migrant workers without local experience and references: Australia +0, Canada +0

Salaries/ Income levels: Australia +1, Canada 0

Score: Oz (3) < Canada (4)

4. Travel

Cost of domestic flights: Australia +1, Canada 0 ( Happy traveling in Oz)

Proximity to US and Europe: Australia 0, Canada +1

Proximity to Asia: Australia +1, Canada 0

Score: Oz (2) > Canada (1)

5. Day to day life

Coffee: Australia +1, Canada 0

Variety of food: Australia +1, Canada 0

Australia: Middle Eastern, Mexican, Greek, and Indian food is more readily available in most Australian cities, and there are more upscale and mid-level restaurants for these cuisines than you can visit. Did I miss the Dome and other breakfast cafes?

Canada: Buffalo wings, beer, shawarma, and primarily North American restaurants. The food scene is less elaborate than in Australia. Ethnic food is not readily available unless you are in big cities like Toronto, Vancouver, or Montreal.

House Rent: Australia +0, Canada +1

Canada: Condos are insulated, and kitchens are adequately furnished with gigantic refrigerators and dishwashers. There is also a dryer with a washing machine, unlike in Australia, where people hang clothes outside for drying.

Real estate prices in major cities: Australia +0, Canada +0

Grocery shopping: Australia +1, Canada 0 (Cheaper and more variety in Oz)

Most importantly: Ginger costs $30/kg in Oz and $3/kg in Canada 😉

Mobile phone plans: Australia +1, Canada 0 ( more gigs of data and cheap-free international calling in Oz)

Free-to-air TV channels: Australia +1, Canada 0

MasterChef TV Show: Australia +1, Canada 0

Netflix: Canada +1, Australia 0

Tipping culture: Australia +1, Canada 0

In Australia, all service staff (servers, barbers, hairdressers, cabbies, delivery guys, etc. )are paid/earn decent wages, and there is no expectation for tipping. Unlike Canada, they won’t hand you the card payment machines with the first page asking for tips starting at 15%–18%. However, paying those tips is optional, except in restaurants where it’s unspoken’ mandatory—Yaas, even for takeaways.

Score: Oz (8) > Canada (1)

6. Health and safety

Healthcare: Australia +1, Canada 0 (Oz has parallel pvt. insurance which co-exists with the medicare that can help you jump the queue to see a specialist or for a surgical procedure)

Safety: Australia +1, Canada +1

Score: Oz (2) > Canada (1)

Overall score: Australia (19)> Canada (13)

For higher salaries, more food options in most cities, somewhat cheaper groceries, better weather, low-cost domestic flights, beaches, occasional snow in places of attraction, cheaper phone plans, and free-to-air TV channels-> Australia

For ease of migration, faster citizenship, less racism, proximity to the developed world (the US and Europe), insulated houses, lower rents -> Canada

7. Education :

Both countries have some of the best universities in the world.

Rest, have a look at these pics from Australia and Canada and decide for yourself:

Hi all, thanks for your question.

One must compare The following key factors before deciding on a country to migrate to.

Here’s a general comparison between the two most preferred countries to immigrate.

1. Job Security

Australia: The general trend in Australia is that workers have a high level of self-assessed job security. Across the country, job retention is around 89 percent. Many employees believe they can keep their jobs in the future year.

Canada: Canada has a high employee retention rate. However, employment stability cannot be assured. About 85 percent of professionals with stable jobs in Canada are eligible for a pension. Furthermore, it was shown that 94 percent of workers were paid when they were sick.

2. Cost of Living

Australia: Life in Australia is considered the 16th most expensive cost of living globally. Furthermore, the cost of life in this island nation varies significantly from region to region. The costliest city is Sydney, followed by Melbourne, Perth, Canberra, and Brisbane, so you should assess the city of living accordingly.

Canada: Canada provides generous government benefits regarding food security and health care. Furthermore, compared to Australia, the cost of living is relatively low. It is predicted that a single person would require $1,650 – $2,500 a month, while a family would require $5,158 on average.

3. Taxation

Australia: The average effective tax rate in Australia is 23.6 percent. The country’s progressive tax rate ensures that higher-income earners pay more tax. The tax-free level is $18,200, after which the tax comes in. There is no tax-free threshold for foreign residents in Australia.

Canada: Canada has a higher average effective tax rate of 28 percent. Employees in Canada earn an average take-home wage of around $35,500 per year. Taxes, in most cases, make a significant difference. What you get is your annual pay after taxes.

4. Healthcare Benefits

Australia: Australia has a well-developed healthcare system. When you become a permanent resident, you will be eligible for Medicare. On the other hand, many Australians elect to get private health insurance to cover the costs of dental and specialized care costs.

Canada: In Canada, primary health care is provided for free. You can benefit from universal healthcare. However, Medicare requires that you have health insurance coverage. The cost of health care is also lower here. The healthcare system in Canada is more humane.

5. Cost of Education

Australia: In Australia, immigrants have the option of attending either government or non-government schools. Permanent residents and Australian citizens can attend government schools for free. In some institutions, however, a common trend is that donations of up to $44 to $730 are collected as “voluntary contributions.”

Canada: When compared to other countries, education in Canada is affordable. Children of immigrants in Canada are entitled to free public education until they reach the age of 16 or 18. You can also send your children to private Canadian schools, which cost between $6,135 and $10,733 per year in tuition.

I’m a Canadian currently living in Australia.
They are similar in terms of education, health care, work, making friends, etc. There are pros and cons to living in each, which depends on your preferences and exactly where you’ll be.
Everyone talks about the weather, but your experience of that depends significantly on your preferences and where you are in the country.

I’m from Alberta, where winter lasts around six months yearly and is almost always below 0 degrees. Some people love it – they like cold weather, they do winter sports, or they love the peacefulness and beauty of the snow. Others hate the cold and the long hours of darkness (though the dark winters are balanced in the summer with amazing long days).

It’s often sunny in the winter. Vancouver is rarely cold enough for snow to stick around very long, but it rains a lot in the winter. Winter near Toronto is snowy but shorter, warmer, and more humid than in the Prairies. Summer in Alberta rarely gets hotter than about 30 degrees, and even that only lasts around a week, whereas in Toronto, it can push 40 and be quite humid.

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

It’s the same in Australia in many ways. It’s generally warmer, but in the north, you’ll have constant warm temperatures (around 30–35C) and high humidity year-round, while in the south, you’ll have distinct seasons and winter temps approaching 0. You have to wear sunscreen almost year-round. Sydney apparently gets more rain than London, but it hardly ever rains in the small, more inland town where my in-laws live.

Something important to note, too, with the weather, is that, in my opinion, most houses in Australia are of generally poor quality compared to what you get in Canada, including not having any insulation or central heating. So let’s say you’re considering living in Melbourne and think 4 degrees in the winter isn’t that bad, especially compared to standard Canadian winters. But in Canada, it might be -20 outside, but you will be toasty warm in your house, while in Australia, it’s only 4 degrees out, but it will be at least that cold inside.

In Canada, you’ll have a heater that distributes heat pretty evenly around the house; in most Australian houses, you’re stuck using individual electric heaters (most people only have one, and it’s in one room, so that room might be hot while the others are still excellent – and no insulation means it doesn’t stay warm well). It’s one of the things I miss most about Canada, actually (especially since, as I said, climate preferences are very personal, and I’m certainly not a high heat-loving person, so we’ll be sticking to places with cooler winters).

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Otherwise, going from Canada to Australia, you trade “more large carnivores” for “more small poisonous things,” “sitting in your house in -25 weather to stay warm” with “sitting in your house in 40 degrees with the AC on to stay cool”, and “the cold air hurts my face” to “the sun hurts my face.” Beaches are lovely in Australia, while Canada is more rocky, even on the beaches. Most things in Australia aren’t open after 4 pm, while in Canada, most things are available until about nine on most days. There’s more red tape around everything and more casual work where you don’t even know your shifts (something very uncommon in Canada).

Australia has more small businesses than Canada, which is cool and often makes for some friendly, vibrant communities. Sydney and Melbourne are crazy expensive, but the rest of the country is better – Canada, Vancouver, and Toronto are crazy expensive, but the rest is better. Just like in Canada, there are some well-paying jobs in natural resources. Australia has a lot of Asian influences (especially in the cities), which I love. Canada has less of that, & more influence from the US.
There are some cultural differences, too… I’d say Canadians are generally pretty friendly and nice and easy to get to know. Canadians tend to have a lot of self-deprecation, irony, sarcasm in our humor, and just flat-out silliness.

Aussies are also friendly, but their humor is more irreverent, and they like to tease each other a lot. There’s more of a drinking culture, and they’re more blunt and less polite.
Just an example, once at a party, I was speaking with a lady, and she was like, “Oh, you’re the Canadian I’ve heard about,” and I was like, “Yeah, I guess so,” and she pauses, and said “… Canadians are weird” and then looks at me with this look like she’s sizing me up. I just laughed it off, and she started laughing too. Or, like the other day, I asked a shop assistant at a pharmacy if a particular cough syrup would be good, and she said, “Yeah, sure, if you like things that work like sh*t,” lol. I *couldn’t imagine* a shopkeeper in Canada saying that to a customer. That kind of talk is common in Australia.

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Again, whether you consider that a good, neutral, or bad thing depends entirely on what you like. I’m neutral on it; it makes me laugh sometimes, while I miss Canadian politeness other times. I know people who would hate it and others who would feel overjoyed that calling out to your best friend down the street, “Hey c*nt,” is socially expected, lol. I have an immigrant friend who had a *very* hard time adjusting to all the friendly teasing, whereas I mostly didn’t have any issues (minus some awkward times when I thought it was too much & tried to take things down a notch, but nobody else cared, lol).

I guess, for myself personally, I wanted to stay in Canada 😛 Canada wins out by a small margin, though. Australia is a lovely place full of great people, and if we moved back to Canada, there are things I would miss about Australia.
Edit: I thought I’d add a short comment on health care. I have a chronic illness and have had injuries in both places at this point, so having had a good amount of experience in both places’ systems now, I thought I’d say something about it. Health care varies a bit between states & provinces within each country, so this mainly compares Alberta to New South Wales.

i’d say the quality of care in both places is very high and generally similar. However, as a patient, I’ve found that navigating the combination public/private system in NSW is much more complex and time-consuming than the straight public system of Alberta. Also, due to the personal element, it seems that there is more reliance on private health insurance in NSW, and I’m just not a fan of that – many find them scammy and not good value for money. It also limits your choices – for example, finding a neurologist who doesn’t charge through the roof is very difficult, even in a large city like Sydney.

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Plus, dealing with doctors in a sensitive health situation is even less fun when they’re constantly telling you how expensive your tests & specialists will be and pushing you to get private insurance. I’ve also experienced a lot more random weirdness in NSW’s system (for example, more unnecessary specialist referrals and even a specialist referring me to a different doctor in the same specialty elsewhere).

GPs have sometimes referred me to private specialists even when they know I don’t have private insurance or referred me for things they should be able to order (like MRIs, for example). If you can afford private, I think the wait times are a little shorter, but if you get your stuff done through public hospitals, you end up with the longer wait times you see anywhere else.

The one thing that seems better in the Australian system is that their ER departments seem better organized, which I appreciate. Though both are still pretty high-quality in terms of the training doctors get, facilities, etc., because of that public/private weirdness, I’d say overall, I prefer the Canadian system. Of course, I’m sure some people disagree with me, but it’s my 2 cents.

Well, that depends. These are two very different countries that share a language and offer similar living standards. Factors I’d consider:

Do you love hot weather and the beach? ➡️ 🇦🇺
Do you love long winters and winter sports? ➡️ 🇨🇦
Do you like people who are more laid back and don’t mind hearing people swear? ➡️ 🇦🇺
Do you like people who are a bit colder, stand-offish, but very polite? ➡️ 🇨🇦
Do you like being relatively close to other centers of Western culture? ➡️ 🇨🇦
You don’t mind being far from other Western countries but want to explore Asia and the Pacific? ➡️ 🇦🇺
You are not white and want a place with relatively few racial hangups? ➡️ 🇨🇦
Are you white and don’t mind a bit of racism and xenophobia? ➡️ 🇦🇺
Sexism bothers you? ➡️ 🇨🇦
Can you tolerate a certain amount of deeply ingrained sexism in society? ➡️ 🇦🇺
You don’t mind evil critters all around? ➡️ 🇦🇺
Do you mind venomous critters all around? ➡️ 🇨🇦
You don’t mind bears and cougars on a forest walk?➡️ 🇨🇦
Do you mind bears and cougars on a forest walk? ➡️ 🇦🇺
Don’t you think water shortages are a big issue? ➡️ 🇦🇺
Do you think water shortages are a big issue? ➡️ 🇨🇦
Do you like temperate and boreal forests, prairies, mountains, and cold oceans? ➡️ 🇨🇦
Do you like deserts, tropical rainforests, and strips of subtropical vegetation? ➡️ 🇦🇺
Do you like good coffee? ➡️ 🇦🇺
Do you like coffee from Tim Hortons

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Hey guys, I’ve answered this in the past, but let me post it again, as I feel the question is more relevant here.
I am a dual Permanent Resident of Australia and Canada — I Lived in Melbourne, Australia, for about 3 Years and then decided to move to Super Cold, Super Cool Canada. I knew what I was getting into: “An icy country.”

Unfortunately, my first winter was the coldest people had seen in a century … An all-time bone-chilling one…
If you are not prepared for the extreme cold, The polar vortex system could slam your body inside out…
Canadians often marvel that inflation remains stubbornly subdued even though life seems increasingly expensive… New Immigrants, Please evaluate some of these costs and price increases over the years:
1) In Toronto, Condo Prices are 21% higher than last year, which would only worsen (Rentals Nothing less than $1500 to $2500/ Month)
Depending on where you stay, Australia can get equally pricey … Just like Vancouver, Sydney is an expensive city.

  • 2) Depending on where you live, Your Car insurance could be as high as $500/Month (Example: Brampton) — (That is the Insurance Amount I paid for one full year in Australia)
  • 3) Canadian cell phone bills are among the most expensive. (I still fail to understand WHY ????)
  • Australian cell phone bills are comparatively cheaper.
  • 4) Traffic violations and Parking Fines are incredibly high. (With just two violations, I have about $600 pending in Fines …. Now, I am waiting to plead guilty and seek a discount …lol )
  • Traffic violations are equally stringent in Australia.

5) Salaries

Taxes are high, But then there’s your lifesaver
—— Canada and Australia offer free healthcare and a free public school system for children.
Taxes are equally high, but Salaries and Minimum wages are far better in Australia ($18/hr). When my employer (Accenture) transferred me from Melbourne to Toronto … my salary was reduced by $12,000 to meet the labor market standards.
Barring a couple of months of heat waves, Australia has excellent outdoor life.

Canada’s proximity to the USA and Europe is its most significant advantage. There’s undoubtedly snow, and it is intense and extreme. But there are many more reasons why CANADA is highly respected and a high-tech industrial society with a high standard of living.

I am Canadian, and I am proud of it. I am considering a move to Australia. Why? My only child has made a home for himself and his Aussie wife and has built a successful business, and I miss him. He is now a citizen. My brother is also an Aussie now, has raised a family, and had a great career, and I miss him. Now that it is just me and my dog, I can decide how and where to live my life.

Canada is a land of oceans (Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic), lakes, rivers, trees, mountains, prairies, and beautiful cities. We have four seasons (except maybe the Pacific coast, with more rain than winter), and each is glorious. My favorites are fall and winter. You have never seen anything like a Canadian autumn with its golds, oranges, reds, and warm days with crisp evenings.

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Yes, winter brings its challenges when it is -30 Celsius, the wind is whipping ice pellets in your face, and you have to shovel the snow, but nothing beats a typical winter’s day when the sun is shining in a blue sky, the air is so fresh it almost hurts to breath, and your mind is cleared of cobwebs.

And like Australia and the US, we began our current history as English and French colonies and have much to be ashamed of in our treatment of our First Nations People. 🇨🇦 Canadians do acknowledge that and are working hard to make a difference.

That doesn’t mean racism doesn’t exist; it does around the world in many different ways. When I was growing up, it wasn’t the color of your skin but your church and your language. I was not French Canadian. I have lived in the US, and they take bigotry to the extreme, including their treatment of women, LGBTQ, and First Nations. Australia 🇦🇺, surprisingly, is quite biased.

Canadians have provincial health care programs available to all, a federal pension plan that all people pay into, education that is more accessible to all than the US, and more. We are a country that opens its arms to people worldwide and is proud of its multicultural communities.

And yes, we do have some awesome critters and, for the most part, treat them with respect. Never get in the way of an angry moose or mama bear, but it is fantastic to see moose foraging in a pond, deer trekking through the woods, raccoons when they aren’t getting into the garbage, and listening to the songs of our beautiful birds.

In short, I am proud of being Canadian and will miss my home and my family more. I have visited Australia many times and enjoyed much of what it offers, except for the brutal heat and humidity. Don’t get me wrong, we have that too, but our hot season is, mercifully, shorter. But I am looking forward to the Australian part of my journey.

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Both are great countries to migrate to, so it’s a matter of opinion. However, I will give you a side-by-side comparison of different points and let you decide independently.

1. Weather

It is one BIG factor that usually sways people to favor one country. Canada has harsh winters and heaps of snow most of the time, which is depressing. You may need to take a daily dose of vitamin D as sunlight is quite rare, especially in northern Canada. Australia has tropical weather most of the time, depending on location. It’s pretty sunny, warm, and pleasant throughout the year. Summer can be quite harsh, and UV radiation is a pain. If you don’t take proper precautions, chances are high for you to get skin cancer.

2. Cost of living

Canada’s hands down win on this front. It is pretty cheap to rent or own a house in Canada. In Australia, however, house prices are soaring high and almost out of reach of the commoner. Apart from housing, Australia is highly expensive compared to Canada regarding household items. For example, one pair of Levi’s jeans will cost you around $ 100$ in Australia, whereas the same will cost you about $ 60$ in Canada.

3. Employment Opportunities

Australia has many jobs compared to Canada; however, getting a job as a migrant can be quite a task. Australian recruiters prefer local candidates over migrants, plus you have to be in Australia to be considered for a job opportunity, which can test your patience. On the other hand, having fewer jobs in Canada can be smooth if you land there with a job offer.

4. Public Safety

Both countries are safe, though Canada wins by a small margin due to more racial tolerance and an open culture. Canadians are generally more relaxed and friendly than Australians, especially if you know the French language.

5. Economy

Canada’s economy is heavily dependent on the US, and it can be problematic if the the US economy hits a low, such as during the the 2008 financial crisis. The Australian economy is more dependent on Asian countries, more specifically China. So, it stayed afloat during the 2008 financial crisis, though any blow to China would be challenging in Australia.

6. Outdoor Life

Though Canada has many beautiful places to visit, the weather makes it less desirable. Australia, however, is a place for a lot of outdoor living. There are plenty of beaches, wildlife, and places to go. If you are an outdoor person, Australia is the place to be.


  1. Mainly Sydney & Melbourne if you spend the better half of the year in the snow with fewer employment opportunities.
  2. Outdoor activities. Hitch-hiking, sunny beaches, barbecues, surfing, and cricket rather than wearing four layers of clothes & sliding on the ice they call hockey.
  3. Awesome coffee varieties. You will love it.
  4. She laid back people rather than complete career-obsessed wannabes.
  5. Wildlife. Wallabies & little Joes.
  6. And far away from the US & Mexico

However, Canada looks better on postcards they make during their two months of summer 😉✌.

Here are some pics from Land Down Under.

Awesome place. To be frank. Don’t fall for Near to USA bs.

And it’s all personal priority unless you want to replace the penguins, I hope😉😄✌

Edit: Hey Alan, thanks for the excellent information about Canada from the comments. Appreciate it. It’s a great country, but as I said, this is my personal choice. Also, I don’t prefer “places like The Great Barrier Reef.” We have the real one back here down under😉✌.

Both are beautiful countries. Canada’s edge is its inclusivity. Canada accepts professional migrants who have children with special needs. In Australia, they have steep requirements, and at the end of the entire process of meeting those bonds etc., the migrant who has a child with special needs is still rejected.

The applicant is accepted, but he cannot bring his child with special needs to Australia. Canadians are also more used to its multi-cultural environment. There are fewer racists in Canada. Australia is worth looking into if you don’t have a child with special needs. And choose the one nearer to your birth country since you will leave relatives and friends behind.

Depends which direction you are travelling. My choice would be French Polynesia, or the Cook Islands.

What is better, the USA or Australia?

The United States beats Australia in several ways.

1: Medical bankruptcy. If you suffer a significant illness and want to lose your life savings, your house, your car, and everything else you own, there’s no place like The Banana Republic of America.

2: Mass incarceration. The Banana Republic of America locks up more of its people per capita than any other country in the world. And thanks to the failed War on Drugs and the evils of The Prison/Industrial Complex, prison gangs have grown by leaps and bounds.

3: Forced birth. Not only does The Banana Republic of America have religious fundamentalist extremists (Christian jihadists) declaring war on contraception, but also, women seeking abortions as a result of unplanned pregnancies can have the “pleasure” of being threatened and harassed by rednecks who long for the good ol’ days of witch burning.

4: Obesity and all the health problems that go with it.

5. Lower life expectancy. Australians are outliving Americans.

6. Maternal death. A woman is more likely to die in childbirth or shortly after childbirth in The Banana Republic of America than in Australia (or Europe, New Zealand, or Japan).

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

In many ways, America is bigger and better.
However, we are not armed; in Australia, we don’t fear an ‘enemy’ as we walk down our streets.
We don’t keep firearms just in case we want to overthrow our Government.
We can send kids to school in OZ, and there is no chance that a disgruntled citizen or fellow school child will kill them.
According to CNN, up until late November, there had been 45 school shootings in the US in 2019 …. That’s the stats for just one year and climbing.

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Reporting in the US meant covering numerous shootings and worrying about my kids at school.
If we work, we get paid a reasonable wage where the ‘worker’ does not have to be reduced to virtually begging customers to leave a tip.
LOL, if an item costs $5 in Australia, then guess what? You pay and then receive the item.

I recently bought two $4.95 coffees in the US and handed over a $10 note. Nope, Sorry, that was NOT enough; I had to include extra for a tax and mandatory service charge. I then went to pay using my credit card, but I could not understand the information displayed on the credit card machine screen. I asked what button I should press, and I was told that the screen then being displayed was to leave a tip before I got to pay for the coffee. I can’t recall the end cost, but it was far more than $9.90!
For this service, I was then allowed to pick up two empty paper cups from the self-serve coffee machine after being told to ‘go over there’ to serve myself.

If that were in Australia, I would have been given a 10c change from the $10 note.
Another thing that I found annoying in America, apart from school kids being shot, is that due to ‘add on’ to a ticketed price, the mystery total bill often ended in cents that are not a multiple of 5. They expect and demand that you pay that extra cent or you don’t get that item.
A final bill of $20.02 means you have to find 2 cents, or you don’t get the items. You end up carrying cent coins and getting cent coins in your change.

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

In Australia, apart from kids being safe in schools, we round the cent part of a bill. $20.02 is paid for by just $20. But if the bill is $20.07, you pay $20.05; if $20.08, you pay $20.10. That saves us Australians from actually carrying all those annoying small coins. Let’s face it: what can you buy with one or two cents?
So, while America may be bigger and better in many ways, I prefer backward Australia any day.

On virtually every objective measure, it is not.

Australia has:

  • Lower incarceration rate.
  • Lower dependency on opioids.
  • Lower crime rate.
  • Lower murder rate by a factor of 60% or more.
  • The lower death rate per hundred thousand road vehicles.
  • Higher educational standards in primary and secondary schools with little interference from religious groups.
  • Virtually no televangelist frauds selling blessed water, faked-up faith cures, and predicting the end of the world every couple of years.
  • Bible fundies are figures of fun or contempt, not respect.
  • No firearm mass killings since 1997
  • Lower infant mortality.
  • Far less m
  • While it is not impossible to be bankrupted by medical bills, it is rare, and nearly every case receives national attention.
  • We do not treat combat veterans like dirt.
  • Police forces have better training and are not selected from local bullies.
  • Trade schools are of a higher standard, and tradespeople are respected as near-professionals.
  • Mortgages are more difficult to get, but foreclosures by banks are also more challenging to arrange.
  • Employment practices that are common in the USA are illegal here; that’s why there is no Walmart.
  • Servers are paid a living wage and do not have to depend on tips. They don’t mind an extra dollar or so, though.
  • With less racism, we do not call people from South and Central America “Latinos” and disrespect them.
  • 30% of Australians claim “no religion.”

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

While I can’t deny that both Australia and Canada offer unique advantages, I must admit that I’m partial to Canada.

It’s not just because of the stunning Rocky Mountains or the cosmopolitan charm of cities like Toronto and Vancouver.

No, there’s something more to it.

Canada has a more balanced approach to life.

It’s where you can enjoy the great outdoors and access world-class healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

Plus, Canada’s multicultural society means you’ll be welcomed with open arms, regardless of where you come from.

But don’t just take my word for it.

See why Canada is often ranked as one of the best places to live globally.

From its stunning natural beauty to its vibrant cities, there’s something for everyone in this great nation.

So, while Australia is undoubtedly a lovely place, I have to give the edge to Canada.

It’s a country that truly has it all.

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Australia, specially Sydney hands down. Although I’m biased towards warm sunny weathers. I have nothing against Canada but outdoor activities, especially in weekends, is not a luxury but “essential” to Aussie lifestyle.

There are great answers already so allow me to counter the cons instead. Specifically about Australia. 🇦🇺

Immigration: It can be difficult to gain entry to Australia for a reason but so worth it. It’s like winning the lotto. Aussies have a very high standards of living even if compared to G7 countries. Australia’s “poor” is rich if compared to the rest of the world. There is balancing act to ensure that population growth caused by immigration is sustainable, otherwise Australia would be predominantly Chinese and Indian background due to the quantity of highly skilled migrants from these countries. But once visa is not an issue, it is relatively easy (by that I mean to hard working people) to settle in and place your mark and be part of the community that enjoys high standards of living.

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Housing: Ok so it’s a bit expensive. But so is Hong Kong for example. Demand is sky high, especially in city areas, so naturally it’s expensive.. but you have to look at it from the earning potential of its inhabitants. Australia’s minimum wage is $19.50 per hour – and you’d be hard press to find anyone earning less than $22 per hour. So already you get a sense of the massive difference with Canada. I have Aussie friends working at cinema and cafes earning over $30 per hour and personal assistant at $80k per year. Aussies tip too despite that it’s not even compulsory as often “service charge” is already added on the bill.

That’s not even including the employer’s contribution to “Superannuation”, which is on top your pay, which means Aussies don’t have to worry about retirement – even the poorest of the poor in Australia, provided they have worked in their life, has Superannuation – a savings account that are instantly invested for compound growth. Superannuation also has insurance attached to it so if you die prematurely/accidentally, your loved ones gets hundreds of thousands of dollars (even if you only have a little in your Superannuation to begin with) – I believe it’s in the magnitude of $350k.

So you hear Aussies complain about housing because that’s the single biggest expense they ever have to worry about. Every doctor appointment is free (unless you’re a snob and want private ones), same with education and everything else that’s considered “essential services”. If you don’t have private health insurance then I’d suggest get one – it’s tax deductible and it just makes life easy especially if it includes dental.

It’s hard to tell which medical practitioners are public vs private because they offer the same standards of care – the difference is that Medicare can only cover 80% of cost when accidentally going to a private with “bulk billing”. All my rich friends goes to their local public medical practitioners but has insurance to cover dental and medical emergencies – the max you’d pay is $250 per month which is top of the crops insurance with weekly free dental visit and a plethora of snobby nose level of comfort and ease of mind.

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Expensive: In addition to what’s been mentioned above, I don’t know anyone who earns less than $40,000 per year. In fact, most people I know earns six figures. There is no comparison to the rest of the world because even the unemployed right now (citizens and permanent residents) are getting $750 per week due to Covid19! I lol at this because people even argue that $750/week for the entirety of Covid19 unemployment issue is apparently not enough – sucks to be anywhere else in the world if you ask me. People also forget to mention the Government pays you to have babies – I don’t actually know any other country that does that. Also every Aussie I know have at least one overseas holiday per year -maybe not so much now due to Covid19 (borders are closed) but it shows that people have considerable disposable income even after taxes and all expenses. Aussies spend more overseas than foreigners spend in Australia.

Australia is top of the chart when it comes to median income, only second to Switzerland. It has a AAA credit rating too which means their imported products are actually cheaper. Take Apple products for example – it’s cheaper to purchase in Australia – you will find it very difficult to find cheaper Apple products anywhere else in the world even after considering exchange rates. If UberEats delivery people can sustain themselves and still have savings, then what more of those with better jobs? I have miner friends, rough as guts living in holes in the ground (literally) you’d think their from slums but actually multi-millionaires. Aussie farmers complaining about Chinese tariffs because its $200k less revenue for the year from the usual $3M. I highly doubt Canada can say the same.

Distance: NZ is not the hot spot travel destination for Aussies. Bali (Indonesia) is. Add to that Singapore, Hong Kong, Fiji and pacific island countries, etc. Might I add many of the people I know goes on Europe tours every couple of years. Aussies are travellers and they go on to experience other places in the world like it’s their playground. Overseas travel is pretty much an essential to Aussie lifestyle – even my bartender friends goes overseas often. In comparison, European and American friends hardly travel or can afford to travel outside their “bubble”.

Weather: People complain about how hot it can get. Well that’s true but really hot days (and cold) are rare, especially in Sydney. People complain about the sun but when it rains, they complain about that too.

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

RacismThere are racism wherever you go. Racism doesn’t have a nationality. Also Australia is NOT the USA or a ““lackey” or “lap dog”. Far from it! So don’t listen to politics. Aussies don’t evict tenants because of the colour of their skin like what happened in China. There are harsh penalties in Australia if found guilty of racism that even Government institutions have been charged and made to compensate. Despite the embarrassment of past actions, the country and its people are really working hard to address them eg. Prime Minister’s apology to the lost generation. Australia is extremely multicultural. Although there remains room for improvement to increase diversity in leadership roles like Parliament, in general society, there’s a melting pot of ethnicity and culture.

Also unlike America, suburbs aren’t oriented to specific cultures – any place in Australia especially in cities, you can have all sorts of neighbours from different backgrounds. Companies also have “Diversity and Inclusion” as part of their KPA and KPI. I can’t stress enough how multicultural Australia is, despite popular opinions – you only need to arrive and go shopping in town or catch public transport or go to the park or meet your neighbours to realise how truly diverse it is – it’s like living at the airport but every day life.

SUMMARY: Australians complain a lot. It might appear to most that they have a sense of entitlement but I find that it’s because we are looking at their complaints from the world’s perspective. If you try to look at issues from Aussies’ eyes (almost all Aussies think they are “middle class” including families with a million dollar house but their middle class is considered wealthy everywhere else), if you take away their ability to have their $3.50 morning espresso coffee from their favourite cafe, then you’ll see that to them it’s like suddenly unable to have water first thing in the morning – it’s frustrating but of a AAA-economy kind. Although Canada is also AAA (edit: Canada recently dropped to AA 🙊), Australia’s GDP per capita is so much higher (and if median is wayyyy even higher).

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?

Not to mention Canada’s debt to GDP is at 85% as of this writing while Australia is a mere 40% (that’s inclusive of increased debt due to Covid19 which the Govt screwed up and made available twice the amount that’s needed that Parliament is arguing about what to spend the extra money on – previous to that ““back in black” was the talk of town meaning no debt at all). Aussies make a fuss, say trade disputes with China because it decreases their overall wealth not because it leaves them poor and homeless. Anyone who loses $100 would complain about it even if they have $1,000 in their bank account.

This as opposed to 600M (that’s millions) already under poverty from Covid19 in China. My Chinese friends who brag about China being 2nd biggest economy in the world can’t really say much to our Aussie friends because, well, Aussies are predominantly rich. Aussies definition of “poverty” is not the same (look it up). Actually, I have friends who would complain about a $25 lunch if it’s substandard even though they’ve just bought a $10k OLED TV an hour prior. “It’s the principle”, you would hear them say. I say it’s their lifestyle and it’s their “norm”. And they protect this lifestyle (hence tough immigration policies) like anyone would if you are in their position.

Obviously this is from my own experience. What I can definitely say with absolute confidence is that Aussies, although are aware of world affairs, truly believe that everyone should be afforded the same rights, freedoms and luxuries afforded to them. They have a culture of Fair Go: “If you have a go, you’ll get a go.” Any one (or any country) who believes they are better than the next person gets the middle finger (tall poppy syndrome).

Hence you see them commenting on other countries’ affairs. A staunch protector against unfair practices – it’s in their culture. Equality is of big importance despite knowingly it’s close to impossibility. Almost a blinkered view of reality of the world but they are well travelled and very much in the know. I believe that is why Australia is trustworthy (gullible to some extent) and has lots of friends all over. Aus

Why is there clay-like soot in my sink pipes?

Which is a better country to live in, Australia or Canada?