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How do I store and organize blankets?

How do I store and organize blankets?

How do I store and organize blankets?

Storing and organizing blankets can help keep your living spaces tidy while ensuring that your blankets remain in good condition. There are a few ways you can store blankets in your living room. One option is to use a storage ottoman or chest, which can double as a coffee table or extra seating.

You can also use a decorative basket or bin to store blankets, which can be easily accessed when needed. If you have a ladder shelf or bookcase, you can fold the blankets neatly and place them on the shelves. Another option is to drape the blankets over the back of your couch or armchair, which can also add a cozy touch to your living room decor.

Here are some tips on how to store and organize blankets:

  1. Fold and Stack:
    • Fold blankets neatly to prevent wrinkles and creases.
    • Stack similar-sized blankets together. You can organize them by thickness, color, or type for easier access.
  2. Use Baskets or Bins:
    • Place folded blankets in decorative baskets or bins. This not only keeps them organized but also adds a stylish touch to your living space.
    • Choose baskets or bins that complement your decor and fit well in the storage space.
  3. Storage Ottomans and Benches:
    • Utilize storage ottomans or benches with built-in storage space. These can serve as both seating and a storage solution for blankets.
    • Opt for furniture with easy-to-open lids for quick access to your blankets.
  4. Blanket Ladders:
    • Consider using a decorative blanket ladder to display and store blankets. This allows for easy access and adds a decorative element to the room.
    • Hang blankets over the rungs of the ladder, ensuring they are visible and easily reachable.
  5. Roll and Store in Baskets:
    • Roll blankets and place them in baskets or large decorative containers. This is a space-efficient way to store multiple blankets and gives a cozy, casual look.
  6. Under-Bed Storage:
    • Store blankets in plastic bins or vacuum-sealed bags and slide them under the bed. This is an excellent way to utilize space that might otherwise go unused.
  7. Shelving Units:
    • Install shelves on the walls to create designated spaces for blanket storage. You can fold blankets neatly and place them on the shelves for easy access.
  8. Closet Organization:
    • Use closet shelves, drawers, or hanging organizers to store blankets. This is a particularly useful solution if you have a spare closet in the room.
  9. Label Containers:
    • If using bins or baskets, consider labeling them. This makes it easy to identify the contents and find the blanket you need without rummaging through multiple containers.
  10. Rotate Seasonally:
    • Consider rotating blankets seasonally. Store heavy winter blankets during the warmer months and vice versa to keep your space clutter-free.
  11. Repurpose Old Furniture:
    • Repurpose an old chest, trunk, or dresser to store blankets. These pieces can add character to your room while providing ample storage space.

Remember to periodically check and air out your stored blankets to prevent mustiness. By choosing a storage solution that fits your space and style, you can keep your blankets organized and easily accessible.

How do I store blankets in a living room?

I use vacuum bags to store things in. I think they’re great, but you need a vacuum sweeper with a hose on it to make the bags work. You stuff your stuff in the bag, close it, open the valve, turn on your vacuum, put the hose up to the valve and suck the air out of the bag, then really quickly drop the vacuum hose and shut the valve.

You could store your compacted blankets under an end table or couch or stack them in a closet. When you need them, open the bag and take them out. They’ll quickly regain their shape. Once you’re done with the blankets and pillows, put them back in the bag and do it again.

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What is the best way to store blankets in a closet?

When storing blankets in a closet, it’s essential to consider a few factors to keep them in good condition and save space. Here’s a step-by-step guide on the best way to store blankets in a closet:

  1. Clean the blankets: Before storing, ensure that the blankets are clean. Wash and dry them according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Storing clean blankets helps prevent stains and odors from setting in.
  2. Fold or roll the blankets: The folding or rolling method depends on the type of blanket and available space in your closet. Here are two common methods:Folding method: Fold the blanket neatly into a rectangle or square shape. Start by folding it in half lengthwise, then fold it again to the desired size. This method is suitable for thicker blankets.Rolling method: Lay the blanket flat on a clean surface and roll it tightly from one end to the other. Rolling works well for thinner blankets and saves space in the closet.
  3. Choose storage containers or bags: Select storage containers or vacuum-sealed bags to protect the blankets from dust, pests, and moisture. Clear plastic containers or bags are ideal as they allow you to easily see what’s inside.
  4. Label the containers: If you have multiple containers or bags, label them to identify the contents quickly. This way, you won’t have to rummage through everything when you need a specific blanket.
  5. Consider shelving or stacking: If your closet has shelves, place the containers or bags on the shelves, stacking them neatly. Ensure the heavier containers are at the bottom to prevent them from toppling over. If you don’t have shelves, you can stack the containers on the closet floor.
  6. Optimize closet space: Maximize your closet space by utilizing other storage solutions. For example, you can use hanging organizers or hooks on the closet doors to store smaller blankets or throws.
  7. Maintain the closet environment: Keep the closet dry and well-ventilated to prevent mold or mildew growth. Avoid storing blankets in areas prone to excessive humidity or extreme temperature fluctuations.
  8. Periodically inspect and rotate: Check on your stored blankets periodically to ensure they remain in good condition. Rotate the blankets by using different ones regularly to prevent them from developing permanent creases or folds.

By following these steps, you can store your blankets in a closet effectively, keeping them clean, organized, and ready for use whenever needed.

What is the best way to store blankets?

Don’t know if you’re in an apartment or a house, but most living rooms or hallways near them have a closet. IF you have one + it isn’t too filled up try storing it wherever there’s room in it like a top shelf ? But If you have No room to spare at all – another suggestion is to fold it up + put it inside of a decorative pillow ‘sham’. (They’re usually sold in sets where comforters + bedspreads are sold.) Then place it at the end of your sofa if possible or on a chair. Hope this helps you.

You take one fabric softener sheet like the kind you put into the dryer and you put it into a plastic bag with the blanket and you put a twist tie on it. That way when you take the blanket out it’s soft and smells good. You just do not know how many people fold their blankets up and put them in the closet and leave them there all season long and then put them on top of their bed and sleep under them.

And then they find out three days later that they have been bitten by a brown recluse spider! Don’t do that keep your blankets and your sheets that you’re not using put them in a plastic bag so nothing can crawl in.

What is the best way to store blankets and towels so they don’t take up too much space in the bedroom?

In a smaller bedroom think about vacuum seal bags to compress blankets and towels tight for airtight storing that is most effective. Roll towels length-wise tightly and then stack them one on top of another in containers, for example, bins or baskets.

Hide items under bed storage containers and use attractive bins or baskets for folded blankets. Construct shelving units on the back, to stack up the tidied folded ones vertically.

Wall space can be utilised using hanging storage arrangements including over the door hooks and organisers. Dual-purpose storage ottomans and benches with in-built storage. Blankets can also be hung on decorative ladders that are used to lean against the walls. You can efficiently utilize dresser space with drawer dividers.

Next, think about having multi-purpose equipment such as storage beds or bedside-cabinets with drawers to be able to take advantage of all storage opportunities available in a smaller room. Declutter regularly for efficiency in storage management.

How do you store a lot of blankets?

Storing a large quantity of blankets efficiently requires strategic organization and the utilization of space-saving solutions. Here are some tips on how to store a lot of blankets:

  1. Vacuum-Seal Bags:
    • Consider using vacuum-seal storage bags to compress blankets and reduce the amount of space they take up. This is especially useful for bulky blankets and those you won’t need for an extended period.
  2. Under-Bed Storage:
    • Utilize the space under your bed by using under-bed storage containers or drawers. These containers are available in various sizes and can hold multiple blankets while keeping them out of sight.
  3. Roll and Stack:
    • Roll blankets tightly and stack them vertically in bins or baskets. This not only maximizes space but also allows you to see and access each blanket easily.
  4. Dedicated Closet Space:
    • If you have a spare closet, designate it as a blanket storage space. Install shelves or use hanging organizers to make the most of the vertical space. You can also use the floor space for larger bins.
  5. Shelving Units:
    • Install or repurpose existing shelving units to create an organized storage space for blankets. Adjust shelf heights to accommodate different blanket sizes.
  6. Decorative Ladder:
    • Use a decorative ladder to hang and display blankets. This not only provides a visually appealing storage solution but also allows for easy access to blankets.
  7. Storage Ottomans and Benches:
    • Invest in large storage ottomans or benches with built-in storage. These can hold numerous blankets and serve as additional seating or a coffee table.
  8. Blanket Chests or Trunks:
    • Consider using a blanket chest or trunk to store a substantial number of blankets. These can add a touch of decor to your space while providing ample storage.
  9. Label and Categorize:
    • If using bins, baskets, or containers, label them based on the type or season of blankets. This makes it easier to locate specific blankets without having to go through each container.
  10. Closet Shelving Systems:
    • Invest in closet shelving systems with adjustable components. Customize the shelves and dividers to accommodate various blanket sizes and types.
  11. Roll and Store in Drawers:
    • If you have dressers with empty drawers, roll blankets and store them inside. This works well for smaller or thinner blankets.
  12. Repurpose Furniture:
    • Repurpose existing furniture like wardrobes, cabinets, or armoires to store blankets. Use the shelves and compartments to keep them organized.

By combining these storage solutions based on your available space and preferences, you can effectively store a large number of blankets while keeping them easily accessible and in good condition.

How do you store blankets when you have no space?

Hang Them on a Ladder: Storage ladders — even the smaller towel ones — are great for hanging blankets, especially in small spaces. Angela Marie Made has an easy DIY blanket ladder you can make. Just lean the ladder against an empty wall, whether in a bedroom or living room, and hang your blankets on the rungs.:

What is the best way to store clothes, sheets and blankets?

The best way to store clothes, sheets, and blankets depends on several factors such as available space, fabric type, and personal preference. However, here are some general tips that can help you store these items effectively:

  1. Clean and launder: Ensure that all items are clean and free from any stains or dirt before storing them. Launder or dry clean them according to the care instructions on the labels.
  2. Fold neatly: Folding clothes, sheets, and blankets properly is crucial for maximizing space and minimizing wrinkles. Use appropriate folding techniques for different items. For example, fold clothes using the KonMari method or standard folding techniques, fold sheets into flat rectangles, and fold blankets into manageable sizes.
  3. Categorize and sort: Sort your clothes by type (e.g., shirts, pants, dresses) and consider organizing them by season or frequency of use. Similarly, categorize sheets and blankets by size (e.g., twin, queen, king) or purpose (e.g., guest bedding, everyday use). This makes it easier to find specific items later.
  4. Use storage containers: Invest in storage containers or boxes to keep your items protected and organized. Choose containers made of breathable materials like fabric or plastic with ventilation holes to prevent moisture buildup. Transparent containers or labeled boxes can help you quickly identify the contents.
  5. Vacuum seal bags: If you’re dealing with limited space or need to store bulky items like blankets and winter clothing, vacuum seal bags can be a great solution. These bags compress the items, reducing their volume and protecting them from dust, insects, and moisture.
  6. Choose appropriate storage locations: Store your items in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated area. Avoid damp or humid spaces, as they can lead to mold or mildew growth. If possible, store clothes in a cool, dark place to prevent fading.
  7. Avoid plastic bags: While plastic bags may seem like a convenient option, they can trap moisture and lead to mold and mildew growth. It’s best to avoid storing clothes, sheets, or blankets in plastic bags for long periods.
  8. Consider hanging storage: For delicate or wrinkle-prone items like dresses or suits, using garment bags or hanging storage can be beneficial. Hang them in a closet with enough space for airflow and consider using cedar chips or moth repellents to protect against pests.
  9. Label and inventory: If you have a lot of stored items, it’s helpful to label your containers or use an inventory system. This way, you can easily locate specific items without having to go through every container.

Remember to periodically check and refresh the storage area to ensure the items remain in good condition.

Pros and Cons of Blanket Storage

The method you choose for blanket storage can have various pros and cons, depending on your preferences, available space, and the specific storage solution. Here are some general pros and cons associated with different blanket storage methods:

Under-Bed Storage:


  1. Space Utilization: Maximizes under-utilized space under the bed.
  2. Accessibility: Easy access to blankets when needed.
  3. Hidden Storage: Keeps blankets out of sight and maintains a tidy appearance.


  1. Limited Capacity: Limited by the size of the under-bed space.
  2. Potential for Dust: May accumulate dust more easily compared to enclosed storage.

Vacuum-Seal Bags:


  1. Space Efficiency: Reduces the volume of blankets, maximizing storage space.
  2. Protection: Protects blankets from dust, moisture, and pests.
  3. Seasonal Storage: Ideal for storing blankets not in use for an extended period.


  1. Flat Storage: Vacuum-sealed bags may not preserve the original shape of blankets.
  2. Need for Equipment: Requires a vacuum-sealing device.

Baskets or Bins:


  1. Organization: Provides a designated space for each blanket.
  2. Versatility: Comes in various sizes and styles to match decor.
  3. Accessibility: Easy to access blankets, especially if baskets are open.


  1. Visible Storage: May not hide blankets from view, affecting aesthetics.
  2. Dust Accumulation: Open baskets may allow dust to settle on blankets.

Shelving Units:


  1. Customization: Adjustable shelves can accommodate various blanket sizes.
  2. Visibility: Allows you to display blankets and easily locate them.
  3. Versatility: Can be used for both storage and display.


  1. Space Requirement: Requires wall space for installation.
  2. Dust Accumulation: Exposed blankets may collect dust over time.

Blanket Ladders:


  1. Aesthetics: Adds a decorative element to the room.
  2. Accessibility: Allows easy access to blankets.
  3. Space-Saving: Requires minimal floor space.


  1. Limited Capacity: Can hold a limited number of blankets.
  2. Not for Bulk Storage: May not be suitable for storing a large quantity of blankets.

Closet Storage:


  1. Hidden Storage: Keeps blankets out of sight.
  2. Organizational Options: Can include shelves, drawers, and hanging space.
  3. Versatility: Can store blankets of various sizes and types.


  1. Space Requirement: Requires a dedicated closet.
  2. Limited Accessibility: May require searching for specific blankets.

Blanket Chests or Trunks:


  1. Decorative: Adds a stylish and vintage touch to the room.
  2. Ample Storage: Can hold a substantial number of blankets.
  3. Multipurpose: Doubles as furniture and storage.


  1. Space Requirement: Takes up floor space.
  2. Not Easily Accessible: May require lifting the lid to access blankets.

The best storage solution depends on your preferences, available space, and the quantity of blankets you need to store. Combining multiple methods might be the most effective approach to meet your storage needs.


In conclusion, the method of blanket storage you choose should align with your preferences, available space, and the specific needs of your living environment. Here’s a summary of considerations and recommendations for effective blanket storage:

  1. Under-Bed Storage:
    • Pros: Maximizes under-bed space, keeps blankets hidden.
    • Cons: Limited by bed size, potential for dust accumulation.
  2. Vacuum-Seal Bags:
    • Pros: Efficient use of space, protection from dust and pests.
    • Cons: Alters the shape of blankets, requires a vacuum-sealing device.
  3. Baskets or Bins:
    • Pros: Provides organization, versatile in sizes and styles.
    • Cons: May not hide blankets, open design may lead to dust accumulation.
  4. Shelving Units:
    • Pros: Customizable, visible and organized storage.
    • Cons: Requires wall space, exposed blankets may collect dust.
  5. Blanket Ladders:
    • Pros: Aesthetically pleasing, requires minimal floor space.
    • Cons: Limited capacity, not suitable for bulk storage.
  6. Closet Storage:
    • Pros: Hidden storage, organizational options, versatile.
    • Cons: Requires a dedicated closet, limited accessibility.
  7. Blanket Chests or Trunks:
    • Pros: Decorative and functional, ample storage.
    • Cons: Takes up floor space, lid lifting required for access.

Ultimately, the ideal storage solution may involve a combination of methods to suit different types of blankets and space constraints. Consider your lifestyle, the frequency of blanket use, and the visual impact you desire. Regular cleaning and maintenance, regardless of the storage method, will help keep blankets in good condition and ready for use. Whether tucked away neatly or displayed as part of your decor, effective blanket storage enhances both organization and aesthetics in your living space.

How do I store and organize blankets?