What is the cat tail meanings?
A cat easily communicates its moods with its tail. Twitching means excitement, usually when watching potential prey. Lashing back and forth is anger, a cat thats being pushed to its limit. Held straight and fuzzed out, sometimes called bottlebrush tail, means the cat is scared. Thumpingvthe tail on youvwhile laying on or beside you means the cat wants you to notice it. Slow gentle movenents of the tail while the cat is laying down and relaxed, contentment.
Here’s a quick guide to what different cat tail positions and movements can mean:
- Upright Tail: Happy and confident; a friendly greeting.
- Curled Tail: Affectionate or playful mood.
- Puffed Up Tail: Frightened or agitated; trying to appear larger.
- Twitching or Flicking Tail: Excitement or focus, often during play or hunting.
- Drooping Tail: Submissive or fearful; could also indicate illness.
- Straight Out Tail: Relaxed but alert, exploring or observing.
- Tail Wrapped Around Another Cat: Affectionate gesture or bond between cats.
- What is the cat tail meanings?
Understanding these signals helps you better interpret your cat’s feelings and behavior!
Pictured below, a kitten fluffed out with bottlebrush tail…frightened

What is the cat tail meanings?
A cat uses its tail to help it jump and to balance itself. It may wrap its tail around itself for protection or for warmth. However, a cat’s tail is also a good communicator of what it is thinking. The tip is what you should watch when the cat is walking, sitting down, or even resting on a bed.
Tail up and in a classic candy cane curve at the end = “Hi”, “Whassup”, “We’re cool”, “I’m happy”.
A contented Sasha with a candy cane tail taking in bath in secure surroundings:
Tail straight behind cat = not that easy to say but often a neutral position, potentially curious, exploring, likely fairly friendly, and a little unsure of things but not alarmed; also may be indicative of balance.
Peach walking and exploring with tail down a bit while checking out the area:
Tail down = lots of possible meanings: hunting mode, defensive mode, or a bit frightened.
Tail between legs = not very happy, or something is scaring the $#!+ out of me and I may need to fight or run like the wind.
Velvet with tail virtually between her hind legs telling us she didn’t ask to go on this walk, she doesn’t want to be here, and we can stuff it:
Tail straight back with fur bristling = offensive or defensive mode, often alarmed by something and uncertain how to respond.
Peach in his first minutes after same day adoption at the house, somewhat blurry as he moves quickly through the kitchen with tail bristling trying to figure out where he is, why he’s here, and if the house is safe:
Tail swishing quickly back and forth = annoyed, irritated, ticked off or thinking seriously about what to do next.
Tail quivering = this sometimes looks like fake spraying and is often used when near owners that it likes, perhaps telling the owner that it’d like to mark the owner as a friend but not actually spraying. (Our Velvet often does this when she comes to stand beside me in the bathroom in the morning. I wish she’d clarify it a bit more, but I’m glad she doesn’t spray me!)
What do cats’ tails indicate?
Cats do a lot of talking with their tails. They lash them when they are angry or intent on prey. When happy, they carry them high…sometimes straight up, sometimes with a little crook in the end. Long-tailed kitties often make a game of chasing or pouncing their own tails. If your cat likes you, he or she might brush you with their tail, sort of like a little hug. If the cat is unhappy or not feeling well, that glorious tail might be carried low.
Many of the cat’s tail down positions signal defensiveness or submission. A tail carried all the way down may mean that a cat is feeling defensive and aggressive behavior might follow. A tail tucked all the way down and curled beneath the cat’s body signals fear or submission. Cat tail language: The basics “Tails can move quickly or slowly,” she says. “A flicking or lashing tail signals that the cat is agitated, while a slowly waving tail indicates the cat is focused on something (i.e., about to pounce on a toy).
Cats use their tails as a form of communication, and the position and movement of a cat’s tail can indicate various emotions and states of mind. Here are some common tail positions and their meanings:
- Upright Tail: A cat with its tail held high is usually feeling confident, happy, and friendly. This is often seen when a cat is greeting its owner or exploring its environment.
- Curled Tail: A tail that curls at the tip can indicate a friendly and playful demeanor. It often signifies that the cat is feeling affectionate.
- Straight Out Tail: When a cat holds its tail straight out behind it, it can indicate that the cat is alert and focused, possibly on something interesting.
- Puffed Up Tail: A tail that is puffed up can indicate fear or aggression. The cat is trying to make itself look larger to deter threats.
- Low or Tucked Tail: A tail held low or tucked between the legs typically signifies submission, fear, or insecurity.
- Twitching or Flicking Tail: Rapid twitching or flicking can indicate excitement, irritation, or agitation. It might mean the cat is overstimulated or ready to pounce.
- Slowly Moving Tail: A tail that is slowly swaying back and forth might indicate that the cat is focused on something, possibly preparing to play or hunt.
- What is the cat tail meanings?
Understanding these tail signals can help cat owners better interpret their pet’s feelings and behaviors.
What is your cat telling you with their tail?
One of my cats gets super excited, he gets “the tippy tappys”. He kneads with his back feet and his tail gets a little fluffed up and vibrates like an electric toothbrush. So every time we see the vibratey tail, we know he wants some hardcore one on one loving.
One of my others, is a big fluffy cat, and it took a lot longer to learn his cues. He is the opposite of every cat I’ve ever owned. All of them have a little irritated tail flick, and may bite you lightly as a warning if you ignore it. Instead, he does the tail flick when he’s getting pet. He also does love bites. But he absolutely wants more love and will get sad if you walk away.
Cats tail movement shows their emotion but not the same way as a dog. A dog will wag its tail fast when it is excited, but a cat will not. Here are a few things your cat is saying with his/her tail:
The tail is spinning at 10000RPM – Your cat is a helicopter. Find a good pilot and have fun. This one is extremely rare though.
Straight up, maybe with a curl like a “?” – He/she is in a good mood and likely happy. Possibly even wants attention. This is the closest equivalent to a dog wagging it’s tail. Could also sign curiosity.
Little flicks – If your cat’s tail is doing tiny flicks with the tip, that’s like a higher version of #1. It means they are excited and happy. Note that these flicks should only come from the tip of the tail. Flicks from the base are a difference story.
Tail wagging/thumping – A sign your cat is angry and he/she is warning you to stay away. The harder they thump it, the more angry they are. However, they can also do this when they are happy and engaged in play or hunting. Look for other signs of your cat’s emotions when you see this tail wagging, like growls and hisses. In any case, I wouldn’t get too close.
Tail down/no movement – Your cat is trying to be low key and probably wants to be left alone. Think of it like a default non-emotional state. Not happy or angry or sad, just mellow. You will see cats do this if they DO NOT want attention (because if it’s up that’s like waving at someone you like, if it’s down that’s like walking by someone with your head down so you don’t have to talk to them).
Tail curled between legs – You cat is scared. When I take my cat to the vet his tail is curled between his legs the whole time because he is just terrified of the vet.
What does it mean when a cat’s tail is straight up in the air and they are looking around?
Well, it seems your feline friend has turned into a periscope! When a cat’s tail is straight up in the air and they’re looking around, they’re not just practicing their submarine impersonation. This is actually their way of saying, “Hey, I’m feeling pretty good right now. Life’s purr-fect!”
It’s like a thumbs up, but with a tail. The straight-up tail is a universal sign of a happy and confident kitty. So, next time you see the periscope tail, remember to give a thumbs up back. Maybe they’ll understand human signals too!
What is the cat tail meanings? Mood. A straight up tail indicates interest and a happy mood. A slightly twitching tail indicates thought and possibly the transition to a different mood. A lashing tail indicates annoyance, irritation, anger, or overstimulation. A tail that is touched to you or wraps around you indicates that the cat is fond of you and is scent marking you as his/hers. A bushy tail indicates a frightened cat on the defensive trying to look bigger and more threatening.
Cat ears and whiskers are also mood indicators. Also, when a cat lies near you with his or her back towards you, you are highly trusted (“my human has my back”); you are not being snubbed. After you live with cats you come to read their cues if you pay attention.
What is the cat tail meanings?
Cats use their tails to communicate a variety of emotions and intentions. Here are some common tail positions and what they typically indicate:
- Upright Tail: A confident, happy cat. This is a friendly greeting.
- Curled Tail: A playful or affectionate mood.
- Puffed Up Tail: A frightened or agitated cat, often trying to appear larger.
- Twitching or Flicking Tail: Excitement, agitation, or focus—like when they’re hunting or playing.
- Drooping Tail: A sign of submission, fear, or feeling unwell.
- Straight Out Tail: A relaxed but alert state, often seen when a cat is exploring.
- What is the cat tail meanings?
Observing the entire body language of a cat, including ears and posture, can give you a clearer understanding of their mood!
What is the cat tail meanings?