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A student’s reputation: why it is important and how to create a positive One?

A students reputation why it is important and how to create a positive One

A student’s reputation: why it is important and how to create a positive

Those who claim that they do not care about the opinions of other people are lying. It’s important to everyone what others think. And we want them to think good things about us.

Creating a positive reputation is an important process, especially in the first year of study at the university. In the student environment, there is such a pattern: first, you work for the high grades, and then high grades work for you. To make sure that you have high grades for academic writing assignments, you can pay for essay online.

Student’s reputation in the eyes of teachers

Having proved yourself an excellent student at the beginning of your studies, it will be much easier for you to maintain this status. And not only due to the habit of studying well.

If the teacher has already formed a positive impression, and you have not committed rash acts, he will pull and support you in every possible way in the future.

It is psychologically difficult for a teacher to give a bad grade on the exam if all the tasks were performed at the proper level before. He will blame the failure on the student’s poor health, troubles, the will of chance. In general, it will justify and, most likely, still give a good grade.

What you need to do at the very beginning of your studies at the university to earn a good reputation:

  • Go to all classes! If you are present at all lectures, the teacher has minus 1 reason to cling to the exam once again. So it’s better to sleep in pairs under the table than at home on the couch.

Important: in every university, some teachers give a pass automatically if students accomplish all the assignments that were given during the semester. 

  • Sit on the first row and actively nod your head. And at seminars, no less actively engage in discussions, express thoughts, and assumptions. Do everything to show zeal and passion for learning. But without kinks. No need to call the teacher at night, run after him through the corridors and give gifts for no reason.
  • Complete all tasks on time. And if something is unclear, ask for the help of a teacher. It is better to admit that you did not understand the topic than to ignore it.
  • Avoid conflicts. If the teacher got a difficult character (too demanding, principled), you do not need to try to re-educate him — you will fail. It is better to accept it as it is. This is a useful quality of life. 

It is unknown what the future boss will be like, whether he will be lucky with colleagues. Learn to deal with different people without conflict.

The essence is the same: respect. If you do not show it to the teacher, do not be surprised by the counter negative reaction and poor grades on the exam.

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Student’s reputation in the eyes of the university management

Is it important? For sure. Some of these people will be sitting in the attestation commission, listening to the speech on the presentation of the term paper and diploma. It’s better if they find out something good about you by then.

All the more useful if you plan to continue your postgraduate studies.

Here are some tips on how to gain a good reputation with the university management:

  • Be active. Various events and competitions are held at your educational institution, which will allow you to stand out from the crowd of other students. Even if you do not study too well, such activity will be meaningful.
  • Participate in conferences. This requires additional training but gives an advantage in exams and presentations. Those who agree to speak are often given indulgences.
  • Perform brilliantly on the presentation of the coursework. Prepare a memorable speech, make a colorful presentation. They will pay attention to you if the performance is bright.
  • Do not refuse if they offer to participate in university events. Believe me, the efforts will not be in vain. In addition, at the university, you can be recommended for a job as an executive and active student.

Reputation in the eyes of classmates

Perhaps this is even more important than the first two points. Relationships within the group largely affect the quality of training. It is difficult to live in a team that frankly dislikes you, and it is very fun and pleasant where they appreciate and trust.

A good reputation among students is:

  • guaranteed study support;
  • a great company for leisure;
  • a chance to make a strong friendship and not be lonely.

Here are the steps to take at the start of acquaintance with the group:

  • Don’t expect activity from others — get to know yourself. Overcoming modesty and shyness is certainly very difficult. But these qualities often become an obstacle to a successful and interesting life. The studentship is a time that prepares you not only as a professional but also as a member of the team. Therefore, the elaboration of personal qualities is no less important than the acquisition of knowledge.
  • Help, prompt, support classmates. But just keep a close eye on whether any of them have sat on their necks. Clingers who are used to having others decide everything for them, we put them in place without a twinge of conscience!
  • Participate in joint events. If everyone goes to a cafe in the evening, and you defiantly ignore this idea, it’s worse for you. You can drop out of the team in an instant, but it will take time to join it.
  • Observe accepted social norms of behavior. For example, the group has a custom of loudly congratulating birthday people on their birthday. Even if you despise this holiday, you should not convince others that they are engaged in nonsense. Keeping your opinion to yourself and acting in the interests of the group is the basic law.

There are other secrets of how to successfully communicate in a group. Create a reputation as a kind, friendly, responsive person. A good attitude from your peers will give you many advantages both at school and in everyday life. And the love and trust of the teaching staff — confidence in success and a lot of opportunities.

A student’s reputation: why it is important and how to create a positive

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