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6 Simple Steps to Make Your Email Campaigns Stand Out in 2023

6 Simple Steps to Make Your Email Campaigns Stand Out in 2022

6 Simple Steps to Make Your Email Campaigns Stand Out in 2023

Email marketing campaigns provide the greatest value among all the other direct marketing channels available. It can be easily comprehended through the fact that it generates a median ROI of 124%.

In fact, the immense potential of email marketing has even encouraged small businesses to leverage it. That’s the reason 42% of small businesses have already joined the email marketing bandwagon to scale up and promote their business.

However, with such a large percentage of businesses opting for email marketing, it becomes imperative to employ strategies that give your email marketing campaign an edge over your competitors. After all, you want your brand to stand out and not just be another name in the crowd.

So, it’s high time you follow these simple tips from JatApp marketing experts and see how your email marketing campaign goes a level up. It will help you drive traffic and conversions like never before.

Take a look.

Go for organic lists

For making your email marketing effective, you should go for an organic email list and avoid using purchased or borrowed list . Most of the time, such lists are fake and increase the chances of your emails ending up in the spam folder. Moreover, since subscribers in the organic list have chosen to receive emails from you, it can enhance your open and click-through rates significantly.  This, in turn, can help you nurture leads successfully and reach the target.

Segment properly

88% of marketers believe segmentation enhances customer focus significantly…and 82% of them are already leveraging it in a predominant way.

Therefore, it is evident that segmentation plays a critical role in the better engagement of your subscribers. Always segment your list for sending content that is not only relevant but interests your subscribers too. Demography, location, purchase history, age, gender, sales funnel position, etc . are a few of the many bases of segmentation that you can use to achieve the most out of it.

Incorporate enticing subject lines

While 69% of subscribers report email spam based solely on the subject line, 35% of them open an email because of the subject line. So, you see how a subject line can make or break your email campaign? To make your subscribers open and click-through your email, put an intriguing and enticing subject line. Start by using trendy phrases and emojis in your subject lines just the way Travelocity does.

However, make sure to keep it brief, precise, and personalized. Research in this context shows that the open rates of emails with shorter and personalized subject lines are more than that of emails with lengthy and non-personalized subject lines.

Make use of interactive elements

Interactive elements in an email basically involve the use of audio, video, cinemagraphs, GIFs, and static images. And since these are visually appealing, they serve as a great way of increasing engagement and conversions. This is the reason 32% of marketers perceive visual images as critical content for their businesses.

In addition, as far as embedding videos in emails is concerned, you must know that merely the use of the word ‘video’ in an email subject line can enhance open and click-through rates by 19% and 65% respectively. So to accelerate the USP of your email marketing campaign you need to unleash the creative streak within you and make use of the above-mentioned interactive elements. It wouldn’t only give your emails a fresh look but, also provide better UI and UX.

Opt for personalized content

Personalized emails come with higher open and click-through rates.

This is the reason personalization is the key to any email marketing campaign success. Hence, if you want to make the most out of your email campaign, make extensive use of the personalization strategy. From first name personalization and location-based deals to personalized product recommendations and dynamic content, you can use it all to scale up your email marketing campaign.

Go for email testing

Testing your emails before you send them is necessary to get a clear insight into how your emails are performing. You can do this by opting for A/B testing. It requires you to send two versions of an email to a small set of subscribers and see how they respond to it. The one with the higher positive response is ultimately selected for sending to the larger base of subscribers. The A/B test can be carried out for various email elements such as subject line, CTA, formatting style, font size, color etc.

Final thoughts

An effective email marketing strategy is the need of the hour for any business that wants to stand out and make a mark for itself. So, if you wish the same, follow the above-mentioned steps and ace your email marketing campaign.

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