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How to Beautifully Frame a Mirror in Eight Simple Steps? 2023

How to Beautifully Frame a Mirror in Eight Simple Steps 2022

How to Beautifully Frame a Mirror in Eight Simple Steps? 2023

A mirror can be a fantastic addition to any room in your home, from the bedroom through to the bathroom or the living room!

A mirror can not only help you check your appearance before you leave the house, but can make a room brighter and feel bigger than it actually is.

If you’re looking for a bespoke mirror to perfectly match your home décor, have you considered creating your own custom frame? It may sound like a challenge, but it’s not as hard as you think! All you need is a frameless mirror, some wood, and a toolbox!

Here is our eight-step guide to creating your own framed mirror that will take pride in place in any room!

1. Shopping list For Tools and Materials

The first step is to get the tools you will need together.

Some of them you may already have in your garage, others you can get from your nearest DIY store, or by shopping online.

The equipment you will need includes:

  • Wooden block or board to create your frame (we’d recommend MDF as it is cheap and easy to cut, but you can use any type of wood you like. For example, reclaimed boards are great for a rustic look!)
  • Pencil and ruler
  • Tape measure
  • Spirit level
  • Wood glue or liquid nails
  • Saw (we recommend a Miter saw as it’s lightweight and flexible)
  • Caulk and caulk gun
  • Paint, paintbrush, and painter’s tape
  • Sandpaper
  • Tack cloth

Don’t forget that you will need a frameless mirror too!

Here at Fab Glass and Mirror, we have a wide range of frameless mirrors in all shapes and sizes. All of them come with hooks to make attaching the finished product to your wall a breeze.

Plus with free delivery to your door, it’s one less thing to worry about when prepping your frame!

2. Size up Your Mirror

Get your tape measure and measure up your mirror. Once you have your dimensions, you can determine how big you want your frame to be.

Choosing the Right Door for Your Entryway

Be mindful of where you want to place your mirror. You don’t want your frame to overlap across a door or window!

3. Sketch A Frame

Once you know how big your mirror is, you can draw your frame on the wood. You can use a ruler to draw straight lines or geometric shapes or alternatively, you can draw freestyle and create your own unique quirky frame shape!

4. Cut Your Wooden Block

Once you have drawn your sketch on wood, use the saw to cut the wood to the right shape.

Depending on the shape or complexity of your frame you may want to have one complete piece to attach your mirror to or separate bits that you will glue together when it is time to assemble your mirror.

If this is your first attempt at a frame, we’d recommend the latter as it’s a little bit easier!

Whichever one you go with, our top tip is to go slowly and cut at a 45-degree angle. You don’t want your wood to break.

5. Sand Your Block until It gets Smooth

When you have your final shape, sand your wood down with some extra fine sandpaper until it’s smooth. This will not only give your mirror frame a more professional finish but will make it easier to paint too.

6. Paint Your Block to Match Your Décor

Now the fun part, it’s time to paint your frame in your color of choice!

Paint the frame all over, not forgetting to paint the back as this will reflect in the mirror. Let the paint dry for two hours, and then apply a second coat.

Once your frame is completely dry, gently sand to get rid of any drips and wipe clean with your tack cloth to remove any dust.

7. Combine the Pieces Together

Apply wood glue or liquid nails to the back of your frame and then press onto the wall or mirror. If your frame were in separate bits, we would recommend starting with the bottom piece, then the two-side pieces, finally finishing with the top.

Use your spirit level to ensure that the frame is straight. Wipe off any excess glue and secure it with painters’ tape while the glue dries.

8. Apply The Finishing Touches

Leave the frame to dry completely – this will take about 24 hours. After this time, you can remove the painter’s tape and touch up any uneven bits of the frame with some caulk. Once the caulk is dry, apply some paint for a smooth finish.

And there you have it, your very own custom mirror that you made yourself!

Be Fearlessly Creative!

Don’t be afraid of being creative and think outside of the box to make something entirely unique and chic that stands out in your living space. It might need some time to learn but it would definitely be worth your time when you will see your craft and creativity adding beauty to your interior.

How to Beautifully Frame a Mirror in Eight Simple Steps?

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