What does a semicolon cross tattoo mean?
A semicolon tattoo is a tattoo of the punctuation mark (;) that symbolizes hope and solidarity for people who have struggled with mental health issues, addiction, depression, or suicide. The semicolon is a symbol of hope because it represents the idea that a thought is not over, even when a sentence is, as in the case of a semicolon in grammar.
People get semicolon tattoos for a variety of reasons, including:
- Raising awareness: To help raise awareness of mental health issues, suicide prevention, and addiction
- Showing solidarity: To show solidarity with people who have dealt with mental health issues
- Honoring someone: To honor a friend, relative, or the wearer themselves
- Commemorating experiences: To commemorate their own experiences with mental health issues
- Conversation starter: To start conversations about mental health and suicide prevention
The semicolon tattoo is linked to Project Semicolon, a non-profit organization that aims to provide hope to people struggling with mental health issues. The flexibility of the semicolon as a design has made it a popular choice for tattoos, and there are many ways to customize the design. For example, a popular design is to include the semicolon as part of the border of a heart.
I want to get a semicolon tattoo but I don’t know if i should get it?
Don’t get me wrong i’m not having second thoughts about the physical look of the tattoo I just don’t know if the meaning fully suits my situation.
TLDR below
The last year has been pretty rough for me. There was a period of time where I seriously considered unaliving myself I just didn’t physically tried anything nor did I hurt myself physically tho I had planned it. I just didn’t have the guts to do it.
Now that I am better now and I want something to symbolize that its not worth it to do such thing and it will get better eventually.
I do think the semicolon looks cool and would be willing to carry it for the rest of my life. The only thing i’m concerned about is I don’t want to be disrespectful to those who’ve actually tried to unalive themselves.
TLDR: I had serious thoughts about suicide and now I want to get a semicolon tattoo tho i’ve never actually attempted it. I had it planned and everything I just didn’t do it. Now I don’t want to disrespect anyone who has that tattoo and has actually tried to unalive themselves.
What should I do? Does the tattoos meaning fit my situation?
Is the semicolon tattoo a good idea? What do you think?
Been wanting to get a tattoo for some time now to symbolize a few things in my life. It’s haven’t really find anything that fit until recently with the semicolon tattoo.
I lost my childhood best friend/first love to suicide, I have attempted suicide multiple times, and almost my entire family I have witnessed attempt suicide at least once too. Overall, suicide, mental health problems, and trauma are very prevalent in my life.
Issue is I don’t know if I should really follow through since I don’t know how others would interpret it. Still, I really want to do it at least to honor my friend in some way until I eventually have enough money to possibly get a nicer memorial for him.
Also, timing of getting it on the inner wrist of my left hand. Still, is this a good spot or should I keep it in a more hidden area?
It’s a very common tattoo, people will know what it means so I wouldn’t worry about the interpretation. That said, I got this same tattoo for mental health reasons and it became a constant reminder of how fucked up I am and I really, really hate it. I have an appointment later this week in fact to cover it with something else because I don’t like seeing it. So be cautious of that before committing.
Do it if it really would mean something to you. Don’t put it in a really visible part of your body if you don’t want people to ask you about it or start assuming your history with that kind of stuff. I knew someone in high school who had a semi colon on her wrist because it was her reminder to keep going after she had multiple suicide attempts. But she also got angry with people who asked her about it or brought up the fact they knew what it meant to her just because of what it was.
It allowed people to know things about her that she didn’t want people knowing. So if it really does mean something to you, do it. And if you do, be mindful of where you put it on your body depending on how you’re going to feel if people bring it up.
Yes 100%. If you aren’t in a headspace where you’re totally comfortable with people commenting on it and asking questions, and potentially people wanting to know what happened, don’t get it. Or at least go for a more subtle/ camouflaged design.
For me, awareness and eliminating stigma around mental health is something super important to me, and I have made peace with my story and am completely comfortable with question about it. Not everyone is, so if you are not prepared for that or at peace with what’s happened, don’t get it.
It’s a very popular tattoo for a reason, but if you want to honor your friend, maybe consider choosing a more positive reminder of them? I love memorial tattoos, I have one myself, but I encourage focusing the tattoo on a positive memory of the person. You have plenty of time and skin for tattoos. I personally would prefer to have a permanent reminder of the positive memories of my close friend.
Personally, I would get something more picturesque to remember your friend. Something that reminds you of them or something you used to do with them for example. A lot of people have the tattoo and I feel like there are better tattoos to honor a friend. It’s almost become trendy in a way, which sounds horrible because of what it’s supposed to represent.
I’ll raise my hand as someone who wanted a semicolon tattoo and ultimately decided against it. For me, I know I would dislike the attention it brings. I hate the attention I get for my tattoos already but the semicolon has kind of a specific meaning nowadays that I don’t want to be associated with or talk about.
You could get it in yellow/red or some other light color ink if you want to cover it later. It’s easier to cover than the black, but the black is easier to laser.
I’m want to get a semicolon (;) tattoo but I’m unsure if it is appropriate or not.
As the title states, I want to get a semicolon tattoo. I know it’s meaning and I want to understand if it’s appropriate for me to get one in memory of my friend who took his own life just under a week ago. He meant a lot to me considering we were friends for 16 years(I am 19 and so was he) and we were really close and spent a lot of time together. So is it appropriate?
One small thing to be aware of- I have one on my wrist and I’ve had three people comment some version of “I have a semi colon tattoo too and I like yours but I’m sorry for what that probably means”. People might assume what it means about you, but to be fair I didn’t push any of these people to what exactly they are referring to so as long as you are comfortable with strangers guessing something about your past from it, then certainly go for it!
It’s from Project Semicolon. It’s a suicide/mental health awareness campaign to end the stigma that surrounds suicide and mental health in general. It uses the semi colon as a symbol because it represents a place where an author could have chosen to end a sentence but didn’t. The author is you and the sentence is your life.
OP I have a semi colon tattoo as well. This is mine. I kept coming back to the same saying every time I thought about it so I knew it was the one. It’s hard to read now and this pic is when it was new. It says “I am a soldier in the war against myself”.
So sorry for your loss. Reach out if you need to chat. Any time or any days. If I’m conscious as in not sleeping I will answer very quickly.
Definitely seems appropriate. I recommend waiting a bit before getting it. I understand you are still grieving and it may help to get it after your feelings are processed a little more. Its also possible that within that waiting period, if you choose to do so, you may come up with a different design, or decide to remember them in an entirely different way. Sorry for your loss. Remember to talk about it, dont bottle anything. All feelings are valid.
I’m considering a tattoo that goes against a lot of the advice I’ve seen online. Talk me out of it.
I’m pretty keen on getting a very basic black semicolon tattoo on my left wrist, oriented towards me. It would be my first tattoo (I’m in my 30s), and from what I’ve read a lot of tattoo people HATE this idea on multiple levels (picking something non-artistic/not visually interesting, doing it mostly because of personal significance, choosing something that was a bit of a fad at one point, and orienting it towards myself being the biggest ones I think).
I’m pretty sure I’m gonna do it, and do it exactly the way I want it, regardless, but open to hearing some compelling arguments before fully committing and beginning to reach out to artists. Posting on a burner as I don’t want the comments on my main to influence anyone’s take on this. Appreciate anyone who takes the time to read and respond!
Edit: A tremendous thank you to everyone who posted, good bad or neutral. It’s about what I was expecting, but extremely helpful to see the range of opinions. Imma do it, I get that it’s a “depressing” symbol to some, but for me it represents both the struggle and the recovery. As far as stigma, I’ve been pretty open about my BPD diagnosis so I know a thing or two about dealing with stigma.
The general advice is “it’s your body do whatever you like”, but if you’re still worried about how this would be received:
- I don’t think many people would care about getting a simple design
- The semicolon has been a thing for such a long time now that I’m pretty sure it has surpassed ‘fad’ status
- Most people get tattoos (especially their first) for personal significance
- I’ve never seen it oriented any way other than how you describe.
Why does Selena Gomez have a semicolon tattoo?
Selena Gomez has a semicolon tattoo to symbolize her journey with mental health and to raise awareness about mental health issues. The semicolon represents the idea that a person’s story isn’t over, signifying hope and resilience. By getting this tattoo, she aims to support others who may be struggling and to encourage conversations around mental health, emphasizing that it’s important to continue fighting and seeking help.
Shortly after, Gomez joined the show’s stars Alisha Boe (who played Hannah’s ex-BFF Jessica) and Tommy Dorfman (who played poet Ryan Shaver) for a tattoo session in Hollywood. Their matching semicolons represent mental health awareness and suicide prevention.
Mine has a double meaning. First, it means that I didn’t eat that gun I was contemplating. Friends, dogs, medication and therapy helped me continue my story. The second meaning is a reminder to me to keep fighting. I’ll never be cured of my depression, but that doesn’t mean I have to let the depression kill me. My story is not over.
For people with a semicolon tattoo, what does it mean to you?
This is the OP’s second A2A to me about the semicolon tattoo.
- The semicolon tattoo doesn’t mean much of anything to me — other than it’s a well-known visual idiom or idiomatic symbol meaning a ‘survivor’ of something (usually a mental health situation or a toxic relationship).
The semicolon tattoo is mainly an American pop-culture ‘thing’:—
- It was popularised by the late Amy Bleuel (1985–2017) and her Project Semicolon in 2013. It rides on the idea that a semicolon in writing means the sentence hasn’t quite finished yet but is continuing in a different direction.
For some odd reason, a lot of people are somewhat surprised that a 63-year-old like me would know this kind of stuff.
I mean, what’s so surprising? After all, I belong to the generation that’s full of subcultures (1960s–80s) — the ending batch of Baby Boomers sometimes called “Generation Jones” (the “Genjoneses”).
- I survived three explosions too — a boobytrapped desk in school (1974) and two IRA bombings (1975 and 1981).
Should I get a semicolon tattoo because of that? Or should I use more semicolons in my writing?
To people with a semicolon tattoo, the meaning can vary depending on their personal experiences and reasons for getting the tattoo. However, the semicolon tattoo has become widely recognized as a symbol of hope and resilience, particularly for those who have struggled with mental health issues and thoughts of suicide.
The semicolon itself represents a sentence that could have ended but didn’t, just like a person’s life story. It signifies the choice to continue living and to keep going, even in the face of adversity. The semicolon tattoo serves as a reminder of strength, perseverance, and the power to overcome challenges.
For some individuals, the semicolon tattoo is a way to honor their own struggles with mental health and to celebrate their victories in overcoming those challenges [1]. It can be a deeply personal and empowering symbol that represents their journey towards healing and recovery.
Others may get a semicolon tattoo as a way to show solidarity and support for those who are experiencing mental health issues. By wearing the tattoo, they aim to raise awareness, start conversations, and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health [2].
It’s important to note that while the semicolon tattoo is commonly associated with mental health, it can also have other meanings. For example, individuals with Crohn’s disease may use the semicolon tattoo to represent their community, as the condition may involve the removal of a portion of the intestinal colon [2].
What is a semicolon symbol mean?
The semicolon ; (or semi-colon) is a symbol commonly used as orthographic punctuation. In the English language, a semicolon is most commonly used to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely relat
So, what does a semicolon tattoo mean? The simple answer is that a semicolon tattoo means that the person wearing it has overcome some sort of hardship in their life. The semicolon has become a symbol of hope for people who have battled depression, anxiety, addiction, and other mental health issues.
What does this tattoo “;” mean?
Generally it’s a tattoo on a suicide survivor.
He or she attempted suicide but for whatever reason (fate, luck, divine intervention, sometimes unlucky) they survived.
The tattoo is taken from the definition of a semicolon, meaning “there’s more to the story.”
Getting it tattooed is a constant reminder that life can go on and their story doesn’t have to end.
My favorite one:

What does this tattoo “;” mean?
I’ve got one myself: Like others have said, it’s common among suicide survivors, and those who have struggled with depression and/or self harm.
Its personal significance varies for everyone, but to most people, it means that their story didn’t end where it could have; the writer chose to continue it. Many people also use it as a tool to start a conversation about mental health, so they have them in easy to see places, like the wrist.
The literal meaning of this symbol is that There is more to the story. It is used by writers when they don’t want to end the sentence but add a little pause in between.
The general perception about the semicolon tattoo is that anybody who has this tattoo was once suicidal and this tattoo is a remembrance that he/she survived that incident.
But, the semicolon tattoo has a much deeper and wider meaning.
People who have been through any kind of mental or physical turmoil in their life, when they had all the reasons to end their life and stop the suffering. But, they didn’t allow those hardships to dictate their future and fought, and emerged victorious. Some of these people choose to get this tattoo as a remembrance of that period.
The semicolon tattoo is a celebration of bravery, a remembrance of the strength of a person. It represents that a person doesn’t let his story( life) end despite of the little pauses caused by the circumstances.
P.S. I myself got a semicolon tattoo last October as a remembrance of some dark phases in my life and it gives me strength and courage to face everyday hardships with a smile. (FYI I never tried to commit suicide).
Have you ever seen someone with a semicolon tattoo? What is it about?
It’s a tattoo that has gained popularity in recent years, but unlike other random or mystifying trends, this one has a serious meaning behind it.
This mark represents mental health struggle and the importance of suicide prevention.
It was born from a social media in 2013. It was the brainchild of Amy Bleuel, has a simple but profound concept. The semicolon is a pause, not a stop. She hopes the tattoo will “start a conversation that can’t be stopped about mental illness, suicide, addiction and self-injury.
Today, people all over the world are tattooing the mark as a reminder of their struggle, victor, and survival.
What does a semi colon in a tattoo mean?
A semicolon tattoo represents the journey someone battling with mental illness has survived, from the dark depths of contemplating suicide to finding the light, the will to live again.
Think of it literally to see the significance: a semicolon doesn’t end a sentence, its merely a pause between two full statements. Their life didn’t end, they simply pressed pause to deal with their mental illness instead of quitting the game early.
A semicolon cross tattoo often symbolizes hope and resilience, particularly in the context of mental health struggles. The semicolon represents a pause in a sentence rather than an end, signifying that a person’s story isn’t over yet. When combined with a cross, it can reflect faith and strength in overcoming challenges. Many people choose this tattoo to raise awareness about mental health issues, personal struggles, or to honor those who have faced similar battles.
Question – will you be comfortable with anyone you meet who sees it possibly knowing the specific meaning of that tattoo?
That’s not to put you off getting it, but it’s an external symbol of something that some people consider personal and private. But because I used to work in MH, I know several people who have it.
They wear it as a reminder that that time in their life was significant, that they overcame it, and that they’re still here.
But I do think you ought to be prepared that people may ask questions if you get it – and if you want to be public and open about that time in your life, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.
What does a semicolon cross tattoo mean?